Elektra really isn't that compelling, and the Hand could have been done a little better. Castle had later realized that Amy Bendix had also managed to leave the Apartment, until he heard a knock at their door, with Bendix then announcing her presence. If you don't want my help, fine. Shiv in hand, Wilson gives Punisher free access to Dutton . Follow him on Twitter and Instagram and tell him to post more often: @jimmydangus, Big Bang Theory Secretly Hinted At Paiges Dark Young Sheldon Future, One Big Bang Theory Main Character Was Only Meant To Be A Guest Role, Power Rangers New Red Ranger Zord Breaks A Decades-Old Franchise Trend. Castle demanded that Daredevil make his choice, as he was unwilling to allow Grotto to go free as he was sure that Grotto would kill again if given the chance. Castle then emerged into the gunfight with Davy armed with a rifle, killing him after several unsuccessful attempts. You're gonna learn about loss. That's what I do.Frank Castle to Amy Bendix. Castle then fell to ground beside Rawlins' corpse, tired of holding his own from his torture and killing the CIA agent. However, she said she tracked him to his apartment. Before the men realized the danger, the grenade exploded, killing two more people before the Punisher had then used the distraction to his advantage, storming out of the shadows and engaging in his surprise gunfight with the mercenaries, who were all too disorientated by the explosion to realized what was happening. I don't give a damn about the past, and you don't owe me anything. [1], Talk.""Okay! Castle then admitted that Bendix was special to him and asked Pilgrim's name. Waiting outside of the diner, Castle bolted through an alley once a large truck went by and ran inside a building, climbing its stairs with a sidearm in hand. Castle immediately barged in and punched Schultz square in the face before closing the door. ""Did it make you feel better? The Punisher witnessed Jack helping another mercenary to his feet, as he gunned down the other man, leaving only him and Jack standing. While Castle got some ice to cover up his latest injuries, he explained that Sergei Konchevsky's people were not after them, as somebody had actually targeted them, telling Bendix that Nikolai Poloznev had targeted the Russian Mafia. Castle was told from James that he would be getting a free pass due to the debt the country owed to him due to William Rawlins' betrayal, as he confirmed if this was the pay off in order to ensure that he kept his mouth shut about Rawlins and the CIA, to which James had then confirmed. While lying in his hospital bed recuperating from his kidnapping by the Irish mob, the stoic soldier finally opened up emotionally to Karen about his tragic past. Just just you and me, though, right? Castle then mocked Russo for failing to get past Micro's computers, which was why they had both not been shot down, only for Russo to insist they focus on the exchange for these Lieberman's. The Punisher, however, then calmly admitted that he knew that killing O'Hare would not really bring his wife and two children back, but had made it clear that this no longer mattered to him, as he now desired O'Hare's death. When you look at your ugly, mangled face, you're gonna remember what you did. Pilgrim and Castle exchanged blows before Castle scurried to get a gun. When Russo noted how Billy the Kid was betrayed for money and fame, Castle noted that this betrayal was the worst thing anybody could do. Investigating, Castle fought his way into the women's bathroom and confronted her attackers. Castle was nearly knocked out, falling to the ground. Spitting out some blood, the Punisher had then glared at Barrett before walking away, with Barrett following. She begrudgingly agreed, but charged him extra for it, to his irritation. Before he could finished talking, Bendix hugged him. Upon hearing two other men entering the bathroom, the Punisher stopped the desperate O'Hare from calling for help by knocking him back and had then strangled him with his own tie until O'Hare had eventually chocked to death. Daredevil. ""I'm gonna find a home for this. However, the Punisher then grabbed the dropped barbel and furiously pinned Kazan up against the wall by his throat, as he then demanded to know who it was who had hired Fiona's Crew to take the photographs, although Kazan insisted that he would get killed if he told him, while the Punisher warned that he would kill him if he did not. Madani then asked if Russo had executed Zubair once Rawlins gave the order, which Castle denied, as he confessed that he was actually the one who pulled the trigger and killed Zubair, much to the shock of Madani, as he once again noted that this video had damned them all. The enraged Castle was then dragged off Orange by Billy Russo and Gunner Henderson while Orange fell to the floor in agony, with Russo then pulling Castle aside and declaring that he was not protecting Orange from Castle but Castle from himself. Castle and Micro arrived at the location and then Castle prepared his sniper rifle to find his target. Despite Chavez's efforts to strike up a friendship as they discussed his career in the United States Marine Corps and Chavez family, Castle still kept his distance, not wishing to hurt Chavez if the truth was ever exposed about all the secrets which Castle had been hiding. Castle rushed inside the ambulance, panicking to find supplies. ""No!Frank Castle and Lance. Then to get her other hand under his arm. Because of his lack of super powers and his "shoot first, ask questions later" attitude, he's become a fan favorite with both casual and die-hard Marvel fans. As Castle noted that his past was simply in his past now, he promised that his issues would never come up to her front door. Russo claimed that Castle was just like him, despite Castle not wanting to believe it. Castle took up his position outside of Kazan's Gym, where he waited for several hours, until Kazan and other members from their Russian Mafia arrived. But by that time, Murdock and Castle had teamed up (along with Elektra) and saved her. Whilst he claims this was also to prolong his miserable life with a constant punishment of his wicked deeds, it is possible he could not bring himself to kill his former closest friend. As they then sat together, Quinn commenting on the scars across Castle's arms, with Castle recalling Amy Bendix's comment, calling it a rough road, which Quinn laughed at. Changing the subject, Hoyle then told Castle about how he was dating Delia Robinson, which pleased Castle, although Hoyle insisted that he did not want Robinson to get anywhere near the war with Russo. Just as Russo mocked the Punisher's name, calling it a crock of shit, they were interrupted by the arrival of Dinah Madani, who had come to capture or kill Russo. Months after helping Daredevil take down Nobu Yoshioka as well as the rest of the Hand, the Punisher continued to hunt and kill all of the gangs who had been responsible for killing his family. While setting up all the chairs for the veterans who would also be joining them in the session, Castle was visited by Hoyle, who had jokingly commented that Castle was clearly a shit magnet of the highest order, following everything that he had experienced, which Castle did not deny. Castle dodged many punches in the closed off elevator, doing his best to not harm them too much. Bendix said she did not want to talk, but Castle simply asked where she was and explained that there was a bounty on her head. But not just to yourself, you've gotta admit it to everybody else. He was the Whirlwind. Wilson then locked him in a storage room, before Wilson used his own explosives to commit suicide. Transferred to Ryker's Island for imprisonment, Castle was escorted by Roy Olsky to meet with Wilson Fisk. Having cleared out all of the Anvil agents, Castle then gotten back in contact with Dinah Madani, as he requested that she come alone to a secure location. His sense of morality has turned to the extreme, differing greatly from what most would consider acceptable ideals of good and bad. Following all Russo's instructions, Castle and Micro had walked forward, while they passed Sarah and Zach, with Castle telling Micro to just remain focused despite Sarah looking straight at him and also attempting to touch his hand, as the continued to approach the Anvil agents. That evening, Castle had decided to stop by Lola's Roadhouse, as he watched Shooter Jennings' performance and requested another beer, turning down an offer for the tab. Having failed to see what was about to happen in time, Castle was forced to look on helpless, in utter horror as his own wife, son and daughter were all gunned down during the crossfire. Daredevil #183 and 184. ""What if I was? Acting on information from Micro, Castle went to see Turk Barrett and from him, steal a shipment of weapons he supposedly got from the Greek Mob. Clear a path for an evac. ""Goddamn right, I did!Jigsaw and Punisher. I was a real prick asshole just like you. And all life is, is just trying not to be. Micro decided to find Henderson since he could know Agent Orange's name or other useful information. He said thank you, but also apologized for any trauma he had caused to her family. Ain't nothing Bill, ain't nothing. Witnessing this, the Punisher had furiously charged at Russo while his back was turned as they wrestled for Russo's weapon, with neither managing to shoot the other until their gun had been thrown aside and they then continued fighting with just their bare fists. When Daredevil tried to free himself and made more noise, Castle distracted Jerry and quietly and covertly aimed his gun at his head to warn Daredevil to remain silent. Having noted how the Punisher was now a wanted man, Russo then questioned him over what exactly was on all of the computers, only for the Punisher instead questioned where Lieberman's family were, as Russo promised they were with him and could be put into danger soon. [17], The only reason you're around right now is because of me. !Rory and Punisher. She then asked if he ever taught Lisa that stuff. While eating is breakfast, the waitress informed Castle that someone describing his exact features managed to ask for him on their land-line, much to his disbelief. Quinn introduced herself to Castle, who instead introduced himself as Pete Castiglione, maintaining the cover story that he had been given. Although Chaney attempted to offer to bring Castle to the Blacksmith himself, Castle ignored him and instead shot him through the head. Castle proceeded to punch the agent repeatedly, ending his life by pushing his thumbs into his eyes. He remembered his life with Russo and what Russo had said to him after his outburst at William Rawlins in Kandahar. Whoever this is, they're in for a world of shit.Frank Castle to Micro. Unless I'm not talking to Frank Castle? Until he made it into Russo's arms at the end of their gauntlet. Castle took Hoyle's advice, as he stayed until the rest of the military veterans had shown up. Castle then got out and punched Micro. ""It's impossible not to hear your Uncle Billy, bud. [8], I counted on it, now I can ask you face to face, who was there that day? While Castle remained at the bar, he witnessed Amy Bendix come to the bar and ordering a soft drink from Beth Quinn. There's only one problem. Suddenly, Karen Page arrived, claiming to be Castle's lawyer. Seeing that he'd been shot in the buttocks during the fight, Castle asked for Rachel's help to remove the bullet and stitch the wound, much to her disgust. Was she somehow involved in the events that led up to the massacre of his family? ""Not sure what difference that makes, Madani. ""Yeah, I ain't lonely either.Frank Castle and Beth Quinn. As Castle questioned who had paid for the food and clothes, Bendix then revealed that she had used Dinah Madani's credit card, while Castle questioned if she had really stolen from the woman who had let them stay inside of her apartment. Daredevil began trying to predict how many missions Castle had done and how long he had been on his crusade of violence against the criminals of the city, but Castle remained silent until Daredevil suggested Castle could walk away from his mission, to which Castle turned the question back on his hostage and questioned if he could ever stop as well, which Daredevil did not answer. She yanked the wire out to disarm the bomb, then uses the gun in her bag to shoot him in the foot. Castle listened as Hoyle explained that he was listed as Russo's next of kin, and he had gone to Sacred Saints Hospital to see Russo in person, as he commented about how bad Russo's mental and physical condition had been. Schoonover told him to prove that he was the Punisher and that he did not need him anymore, at which point Castle remembered Schoonover's lesson about one shot, one kill, before executing Schoonover with a single bullet through his skull. However, when Castle saw a pregnant woman coming towards Hoyle, he failed to shoot her, resulting in the woman detonating a suicide vest, blowing off Hoyle's leg, something Castle would feel guilt over for many years. You know why I can't.David Lieberman and Frank Castle. Sharing a beer, the two conversed on passed time since their last interaction. The Punisher has killed Spider-Man several times, including once when he was hired by Jackal. The guy who hired us. Page told Castle that she had learned from Samantha Reyes that the Blacksmith was still moving large amounts of heroin across the country and they discussed where he could be. Frank and Captain America engage in a battle, which is one of the final fights in the story. Police were unable to apprehend Castle, but this image was caught on a dashboard camera. Using a booby trap that he had already set up, the Punisher had then managed to tie a noose around one mercenaries throat and lifted him into the air, until he chocked to death, before stabbing two more men in the throat, still without raising the alarm. Seeking to clear his name, Castle sought out Karen Page, who had been working with Mitchell Ellison at the New York Bulletin to write a story about him. I'm getting the bullet. Later Frank gets away, but allows himself to be captured by the Irish Mob so he can get close to the boss and find out about his family's death. Armed with the weapons from Ray Schoonover's armory, Castle prepared to leave the city to eliminate the last gang members who were involved in Massacre at Central Park. Castle also appears to believe in returning favors, since him helping Daredevil defeat the Hand ninjas can be seen as him repaying the vigilante for rescuing him from torture at the hands of the Kitchen Irish. Schultz opened the door, asking what was wrong. Or you live. Daredevil carried the severely injured Castle to a graveyard, where he eventually found he could no longer walk and sat beside a grave. Why didn't you tell me that? ""Maybe none, but I still need to find a way to put him behind bars. From Wikipedia the free encyclopedia. Quinn then rested her head on Castle's chest, noting that his moving around must get lonely, while Castle remembered Karen Page's comments that they were always lonely, and just tried not to be, which Quinn agreed with. Returning into his apartment, Castle read the The Crack-Up before sleeping, causing him to eventually fall asleep. Castle was removed from the courtroom and sentenced to jail immediately. Subsequently, he takes control of the vampire population and turns many superheroes to his vampire army, including most of the X-Men. Three months later, Maria informed Castle that she had fallen pregnant with his first child, with Maria offering Castle the chance to walk away as she was willing to raise the child alone, only for Castle to instead propose to her, resulting in them getting married. Inside, Castle used the emergency hatch to escape into the shaft, reaching the roof to escape via a zip-line. ""All right, let's do this. Castle made it to the main room, shooting blindly at Russo. Madani expressed her frustration that Castle had brought yet another war into New York City, questioning if he was actually intending to do anything about Russo. However, when Castle lost the game again, he accused Bendix of cheating, while she insisted that he was simply not seeing the trick. [18], Why do you have a Homeland Security Chopper on call like it's an Uber? He ran into the room on the opposite side and shot there. Is this from season 3? Having cracked the mirror, the Punisher decided to take away Russo's most valued asset, as he grabbed Russo's face, dragging it down a broken mirror, tearing Russo's face apart as he screamed. ""I'm just an asshole who couldn't stay out of trouble, that's all.Amy Bendix and Frank Castle. Charlie Cox made his first official MCU appearance in December 2021 in Spider-Man: No Way Home, showing face as Peter Parker's lawyer and flexing his quick reflexes in his lone scene. With no other choice, the Punisher did as Russo instructed as Russo lowed his weapon from the kids, threatening that if they did not shut up he would shoot them both. At Larkville County Sheriff Station, Castle was going under the name "Pete" has no file, no known address, nothing. Hoyle complained to Castle that he wanted to live his own life, which did not include having to carry a gun in his apartment, which Castle understood. Castle paused and asked how old his daughter was: seventeen. He's got a place for us. Frank Castle is obviously one tough cookie and knows how to take a punch or two - but nowhere in Daredevil Season 2 do we see more of his raw power of will than after . He shot, but the gun was empty. Castle then removed his mask and shirt, revealing the Punisher vest and skull. The Punisher season 1, The scene where the punisher finally learns the truth why his family was killed. While serving in Afghanistan alongside with Billy Russo, where the duo became close friends, Castle and Russo joined the black-ops team, Cerberus Squad under the command of CIA Officer William Rawlins aimed at capturing, interrogating, and executing high-value targets. When Rex asked if Castle actually had a son and where he was, Beth tried to end the conversation by telling Rex that Castle may not want to answer these questions, before Castle had then just explained that he did not get to see his son in the way that he wanted to. Daredevil continued to try to free himself, but Castle made it clear that the only way to leave was if he allowed him to. ""You heard what I said.Frank Castle and Wilson Fisk. Hoping to write an expos on Castle's innocence for the New York Bulletin, Page interviewed his old former Marine commander, Ray Schoonover. Six months later, Castle got a job as a construction worker and attempted to keep himself out of harm's way, avoiding stress as best he could. Once they were alone, Castle demanded to know what Page knew about his family, so she told him that Reyes wanted to run a story about him and his family being involved in a roadside shooting, instead of the truth of a gang shootout. [14], Frank, you son of a bitch, please! While he was opening birthday cards from his two children, Castle cheered as he discovered that his wife had bought him tickets to go and see a Bruce Springstein concert when he returned home, which Castle then proudly showed off to Billy Russo. In Punisher Kills the Marvel Universe, the title is taken literally. While speaking to Page outside of the courtroom, Castle confessed to killing the boy's father and feeling some level of guilt for the killing, although Page still insisted that she would not judge him for it or anything else he had done. Daredevil: Directed by Mark Steven Johnson. The Punisher picks up right where Daredevil Season 2 left off, trusting fans to be able to remember key plot points about its titular antihero's development. ""He doesn't really know me, do you miss yours? In the stairwell, Castle was confronted by Dinah Madani who ordered him to surrender. Way too much drama, way too much bullshit dressed as 'character development'. As per Castle, Mahoney gave chase to him and cornered him into an alleyway. Looking closely at the flash, Castle found a flashlight, cell phone, and mirror placed for him by Micro, which caused the flash from afar. Since all the heroes and villains in this version of reality were turned into cannibals, Deadpool is one of the many cannibalistic madmen The Punisher has to face to save humanity. Indeed, Castle knocks out Daredevil when he claimed that he was insane and goes into a furious rant in court when they planned to instigate him into a mental asylum, admitting he was fully sane and enjoyed killing every criminal he encountered. Micro watched on his computer and panicked, calling Castle on the phone he left him. Castle listened as Quinn told him that her son was the best thing which had ever happen to her, noting that the father was not around, before she questioned if Castle had his family waiting for him, to which he claimed that he would never have gone back with her if there was. The Blacksmith. Punisher killed cannibal Daredevil, but he also killed Matt accidentally in one comic, by shooting with a tranquilizer gun and causing him to fall from a building to his death. It is ultimately the lack of conflict in life that scares Castle rather than death and having no true home to call to. Castle upholds an honor code of "One Shot, One Kill"; getting the job done as quickly as possible, whilst trying to avoid any collateral damage. How high does this conspiracy go? [12], Castle was rushed to the Madani Residence where Hamid Madani saved Castle's life because they could not go to the hospital. But . Waking up, Castle's first thought was for Henderson. However, Castle immediately immobilized Lance with his sledgehammer, defeated Leo, and hit Paulie in face with it. When Castle was investigating the cabin, Henderson shot him with an arrow. Nelson returned to the room and explained that he had lost the death penalty and changed three life sentences down to one with a chance on parol in twenty-five years, although he would still likely be sent to Ryker's Island where he would likely be murdered. When we first encounter Frank in season 2 ofDaredevil, we learn that he and his family were caught between the Dogs of Hell, the Mexican Cartel, and the Kitchen Irish. He can't go to you, he can't go to me, so where does he go? Wolf insisted that torture will not work; Castle shot him in the leg. Castle did not listen to Mahoney's orders, using Page as a human shield to get him to an elevator. ""I'm not the one who's gonna be talking.Punisher and Kazan. The Irish gangsters began shooting Castle with tasers which barely slowed him down. However, he did not confront Castle. Having seen this, Castle knew that he was being hunted by the Irish and knew that sooner or later, they would undoubtedly find him and kill him, or much worse. Once Micro hung up the phone, Castle packed up his bags and left the diner, paying his bill as he went. This was awesome, but I enjoyed the talk they had in the graveyard a couple episodes later even more. However, Castle knew that Madani could not shoot him and went downstairs to chase Wilson. Rawlins continued to torture Castle by pushing his finger into his wound; causing Russo to drag Rawlins away. Castle had then instead noted how Bendix had come back into there when she did not have to, which she confirmed, as the pair stood in silence for a moment. Although Venom was originally a super-villain, the progression of his character lead many to view him as an anti-hero, much like The Punisher himself.
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