There were four victims: Sue Sharp, her son John, her daughter Tina, and John's friend Dana. Historic Mysteries reports Marty's wife Marilyn found a bloody jacket in their basement, which she believed belonged to Tina. The murders had been notably violent. In 2016, a man sweeping around with a metal detector found a hammer in a dried-up pond near Keddies entrance. [3][4] She decided to relocate to northern California, where her brother Don was residing at the time. Even though Marilyn admitted in a 2008 documentary that she thought her husband his friend Bo was responsible, Sheriff Doug Thomas contradicted this and stated that Martin had successfully passed a polygraph test. [24] Investigating these sounds, he saw Sue with two men: one with a mustache and short hair, the other clean-shaven with long hair; both wore glasses. Later that year, a knife was recovered in a trashcan outside the Keddie General Store; authorities also believed this item to be linked to the crimes. Investigation Police arrived at around 8:00 am and began their investigation of the murders. with a handwritten letter sent to her and signed by her estranged husband. As reported by Keddie28, all three victims were bound with cords, medical tape, and wire. The murders took place in house No. Any case without an apparent motive is the toughest to solve, Stoy recalled to the Sacramento Bee in 1987. One reportedly had a mustache and long hair and the other was clean-shaven with short hair but both in glasses. Surely, no one expected it to be one of the most famous unsolved murder cases in history. [29], In a 2008 documentary on the murders, Marilyn Smartt claimed that she suspected her husband Martin and his friend John "Bo" Boubede (erroneously reported as "John Boudee" by author Robert Scott)[a] were responsible for the murders. But curiously, instead of sending homicide detectives, they sent organized crime investigators to Keddie. Two months later, a forensic analysis of the teeth confirmed that they were indeed Tinas remains. Keddie is a census-designated place in Plumas County, California, United States. I was told the suspects were told to get out of town, so to me, that means it was covered up, Sheila Sharp told CBS Sacramento in 2016. Additionally, some sources say that on the hypnosis tapes, the police made suggestions to Justin during the session. It read: Ive paid the price of your love & now that Ive bought it with four peoples lives, you tell me we are through. On Saturday, April 11, 1981, Sheila Sharp spent the night with neighbors, as she planned to attend church with them the following morning. Sheilas mother had been covered partially with a blanket though that had done little to hide her gruesome injuries. It was believed that Martin and Sue were having an affair and that Sue was supposedly counseling Marilyn to leave her husband, who she had said was abusive to her. Originally established as a stop along the railroad, the area was in the middle of a total transition when the Sharp . Unfortunately, many hours passed since her disappearance, and the chance of anyone finding her nearby was slim. Later, police learned that maybe not all the boys had actually been asleep. On April 11, 1981, Glenna "Sue" Sharp, a 36-year-old mother of five children, settled down for the night at Cabin 28, in Keddie, a small community surrounded by mountains in Northern California. She remarried and is still alive. Inside Cabin 28 were the bodies of her mother, Glenna Sue Sharp, her teenage brother John, and his high school friend, Dana Wingate. [24] John Boubede, who allegedly had ties to organized crime in Chicago,[29] died there in 1988. In one of the bedrooms, authorities found Rick, Greg, and their friend Justin Eason Smartt, unharmed. Justin said both men were wearing glasses. The Varangians: Viking Conquerors turned Byzantium Honor Guard, The Secret Necropolis of Ancient Varna and the First Goldsmiths. [24] In his later account of events, told under hypnosis,[17] he claimed to have awoken to sounds coming from the living room while asleep in the bedroom with Rick and Greg. [24], According to a 2016 article published by The Sacramento Bee, Martin had left Keddie and driven to Reno, Nevada, shortly after the murders; from there, he sent a letter to Marilyn ruminating on personal struggles in their marriage, which he concluded with: "I've paid the price of your love & now I've bought it with four people's lives. Circleville, Ohio - The Unsolved Mystery of the Circleville Letters by Every . Missing from the cabin was Sue's twelve-year-old daughter, Tina. 2009-2021 Historic Mysteries. Joe Turner is a freelance writer of crime with a passion for unsolved mysteries. Amid the attack, Tina came out of her room and was carried out of the house by one of the men, who came back inside the house without her. There were some bloodstains on her bedding, which suggested that she might have been kidnapped from her bed after the murders. Local investigators wrote it off as an upturned burial skull of a native american, but two months later, they got an anonymous call claiming that the skull belonged to Tina Sharp. On April 22, 1984, Tina Sharp's remains were found in a wooded area of Butte County, which, as reported by California News Times, was approximately 100 miles from Keddie. Disturbingly, the motive for those murders is still unknown, as the Keddie police department never caught the real-life killer (s), and the case remains unsolved. I became their mother, and its hard for me to step back and be a sister, cause thats what I am Im their sister, Im not their mother, and they need to make their own choices.. Marilyn also provided a letter she received from Marty, in which she said he confessed to the Keddie cabin murders. It's a case that involves a triple-slaying and a missing child whose remains. This letter was not treated as a confession nor was it followed up on at the time. Although Justin's dreams, and the details he provided during hypnosis, were chilling, it is unclear whether he actually witnessed the murders or the dreams simply echoed details reported by the media. The sheriff at the time of the murders, Doug Thomas, and his deputy. The East Area Rapist used electrical cords to bind victims. PEOPLE Magazine Investigates After Show: Survivor Sheila Sharp on the 1981 Keddie Cabin Murders of Her Family For 35 years, Sheila Sharp has tried to repress the memory of finding the. But Sheila credits the memory of her mothers compassion as a guide she has tried to follow. Was it possible that he either witnessed the murders or awoke at some point during the night but had blocked it out? . While the Seabolts tried to calm the distraught girl, their teenage son, Jamie Seabolt, went to Cabin 28 to see if anyone was still alive. Episode Info Findings confirmed that the weapons used on the victims heads were two different hammers and a BB gun in Sues case. Dana also had severe head injuries, but he had also been strangled. Keddie, California.Sue Sharp, her teenage son John, and his friend Dana Wingate are found brutally murdered in the Sharp family's cabin at Keddie Resort in the Sierra Nevada. Is this why detectives seemed to turn a blind eye to many clues and disregarded evidence? From the ground level in the back of the house, a flight of stairs led up to the main living area. Sheriff Thomas called the Sacramento Department of Justice which then sent in two special agents from their organized crime unit not homicide, which struck many as odd. The three boys in the house, Rick, Greg, and their friend, Justin, were all safe in the bedroom. And I know I always look around. [6] Blood spatter evidence from inside the house indicated that the murders of Sue, John, and Dana had all taken place in the living room. Meanwhile, Sheriff Thomas had resigned from the investigation three months in and take a job instead at the Sacramento DOJ. What else do you want?. Sue packed her children up and moved across the country from North Carolina to the Golden State. The former Sharp home was condemned and demolished in 2004. A few years later, Martys wife, Marilyn, said that she had found Tinas bloody jacket in their basement and had given it to the police during the earlier investigation. After looking around and searching for survivors, he rejoined the others outside. [6][16] Initial reports stated that the three young boys had slept through the incident, though this was later contradicted. The only thing authorities found that may reveal the identity of the killer, or killers, was DNA collected from a piece of medical tape used to bind the victims. The population was 66 at the 2010 census. Tina was then allegedly taken out the cabins back door by one of the men. Keddie Cabin 28: What Happened? [28] Near the remains, detectives also discovered a blue nylon jacket, a blanket, a pair of Levi Strauss jeans with a missing back pocket, and an empty medical tape dispenser. In 1981, Glenda "Sue" Sharp was a single mother who had moved her family of six to Cabin 28 of the Keddie Resort in Keddie, California, part of Plumas County. People Magazine Investigates continues with new episodes that air Mondays (10 p.m. Three years after the slayings occurred, part of a skull was found 29 miles away near Camp Eighteen in neighboring Butte County. The bodies of Sue, John, and Dana were found on the morning of April 12 by Sue's 14-year-old daughter, Sheila, who had been sleeping at a friend's house. The most widely accepted theory involves a love triangle between Martin, Marilyn, and Sue. I killed the woman and her daughter, but I didnt have anything to do with the [boys], he purportedly told the counselor. Keddie Case Cabin 28., Jane Braxton. At the centre of its hub was Keddie Resort, a collection of 33 rustic cabins which could be rented out long term for around $170 per month. In 1980, the Sharp family 36-year-old Glenna "Sue", her 15-year-old son John, 14-year-old daughter Sheila, 12-year-old daughter Tina, and 10-year-old Rick and five-year-old Greg moved from. All had been beaten with a claw hammer and knifed. In 2013, he located the recording of the anonymous 911 phone call that came in after Tinas remains surfaced. While he was supposedly collecting cans, a human skull and mandible turned up. Sues ex-husband was in the military when they divorced, and the Navy gave her $250 a month to start her new life. Marilyn and Marty happened to be taking the same typewriting class that Sue was enrolled in. What else do you want? Claw hammered. You May Also Like: The Servant Girl Annihilators of Texas. Gamberg thinks that at the same time, Sue was counseling Marilyn to leave Marty. The crime scene of the quadruple murder. Investigators Allude to a Break in the Keddie Cabin Murders The 1981 murder of Sue, Johnny, Tina Sharp and Dana Wingate remains a mystery, but we may be seeing an arrest soon. Gamberg and the owner,who goes by the name DMAC, believe that Sue Sharp and Marty Smartt were having an affair. However, Historic Mysteries reports he was never arrested or charged in the murders. Although the story is intriguing, Justin may have gotten information about the case from the media during the four weeks since the murders. This murder is shrouded in mystery, leaving behind a messy and compelling trail of clues. However, their friend Justin was not as sure. The victims were Glenna Susan "Sue" Sharp (ne Davis; born March 29, 1945); daughter Tina Louise Sharp (born July 22, 1968); son, John Steven Sharp (born November 16, 1965); and John's friend, Dana Hall Wingate (born February 8, 1964). The living room was in complete chaos, and Sue, John, and Johns friend, Dana, were dead on the floor. I think there was something about Tina that could not be left there to be discovered. KEDDIE (CBS13) - The stretch of I-70 in the Feather River Canyon appears to be one of the most peaceful settings in Plumas County, but three decades ago, a monster invaded the town of Keddie.. Sheila had spent that night at a sleepover next door. He weaves magnificent soap-opera stories from threads of shredded documents and deems these stories the truth. During his interrogation, Marty offered to the police that his hammer with a blue handle had gone missing. She also appreciated the fact that it was in a more rural, wooded setting. The murders at Keddie Cabin 28 appeared to be random acts of cruelty. Blood was everywhere. "I've paid the price of your love & now I've bought it with four people's lives," ABC10 reports the letter said. Also, the murderers must have been aware of the three remaining boys in the cabin. [19] John and Dana suffered blunt-force trauma to their heads caused by a hammer or hammers. Blood patterns indicated that her legs were initially splayed apart, but someone moved her and covered her body with a yellow blanket after the murder. Where is the Body of the Legendary King Gorm of Denmark. [24], Based on Justin's descriptions, composite sketches of the two unknown men were produced by Harlan Embry, a man with no artistic ability and no training in forensic sketching. Keddie Cabin 28 Murders Welcome David Craig McNarie! Victims,. Furthermore, it suggests an answer as to why this case was handled so sloppily, remains unsolved, and is seemingly not a priority to the Sacramento DOJ. The discovery of Tinas remains raised even more questions than before. Tips or information about the Keddie murders can be given anonymously by calling the Plumas County Sheriff's Office at 530-283-6360; the Secret Witness program at 775-322-4900; sending a text. keddie murders survivorscumberland police department officers. Probable murder weapons for the Keddie slaying discovered and submitted as evidence in 2016. To Gamberg, it is clear that the DOJ and Thomas-run Sherriffs Dept. It is unclear when this happened or who did it. One of the psychics was a medium who could speak with the dead while the other used EVP. Sitting down with PEOPLE Senior Editor Alicia Dennis for the People Magazine Investigates After Show that followed the broadcast, Sheila talks about the additional burdens she carries because of the grisly discovery and the uncertainty of who was responsible. Although we have attempted to sort through it with due diligence, even the most credible sources do not agree on all the details. Keddie, a once-favored railroad stop for recreational tourists traveling from the San Francisco Bay area . The strangest thing is that there is no apparent motive. Additionally, he said that Marilyn was his niece, which was also false. In 1979, she left her abusive husband. ET) on Investigation Discovery. A fourth victim, Sheilas younger sister, was missing. It was Sharps mother, Sue, brother John and his friend Dana, laying in a pool of blood, bound with medical tape and appliance wire. Martin Smartt later told the police that he had a hammer that matched the one discovered and also that his hammer and gone missing shortly before the murders. Justin also claimed that Tina came out shortly after, and one of the men abducted her out the back door. When the DOJ was alerted to this confession in 1981, they dismissed it as hearsay.. Sheriff Hagwood believes that the location couldnt have been accidental and that someone intentionally threw it in the water. Since then, no arrests have been made, and the names have never been released to the public. Richard's alibi for the time of the murder is, he was supposedly with Mike Hamilton, Angus Lynch, and Good ol' Steve Durham at the Arcade. Although Marilyn gave it to authorities, Historic Mysteries reports there is no record that the jacket was entered into evidence. The mystery surrounding the unsolved Keddie Cabin Murders. On the other hand, his reason for killing Tina was that she had seen everything. Young John was closest to the front door, face-up, his hands blood-covered and bound with medical tape. "[29] In a 2016 interview, Gamberg stated that the letter was "overlooked" in the initial investigation and never admitted as evidence. The six of them: 36-year-old Sue, her 15-year-old son John, 14-year-old daughter Sheila, 12-year-old daughter Tina, and 10-year-old Rick and 5-year-old Greg, were friendly with their nearby neighbors at the Keddie resort. [24] Plumas County Sheriff Sylvester Thomas, who presided over the case, later stated that Martin had provided "endless clues" in the case that seemed to "throw the suspicion away from him. . Authorities arrived at the scene shortly after 8 a.m. On the night of the Keddie cabin murders, Marilyn, Boubede (or Bo as they called him), and Marty had been out together at the local bar. "[27] A grid pattern search of the area covering a 5-mile (8.0km) radius around the house was conducted with police canines, but the efforts were fruitless. Therefore, it appears they did not have a chance or chose not to fight back. Unsolved murders have a way of weighing on a community, the place forever haunted and the neighbors always left wondering. [11], That same evening, Tina had plans to spend the night with the Seabolt family, who lived in adjacent #27, while Sue remained at home with Rick, Greg, and the boys' young friend, Justin Smartt. The night before the murders, Sheila had slept over a friends house down the street. Forty years after the incident, the quadruple murder in the woods still baffles the nation. Of the suspects who are still alive, Gamberg said: They better batten down the hatches because were coming. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. Along with the three murders, the younger Sharp daughter, Tina (12) was . Further, the home did not indicate forced entry, though detectives did recover an unidentified fingerprint from a handrail on the back stairs. The Keddie Murders is an unsolved 1981 American quadruple murder that took place in Keddie, a former resort town in the foothills of California's Sierra Nevada. Her friends dad retrieved the three unharmed boys through their bedroom window so they would not have to see the scene. What Stephen Hawking Thinks Threatens Humankind The Most, 27 Raw Images Of When Punk Ruled New York, Join The All That's Interesting Weekly Dispatch, Cabin 28 at Keddie Resort, 1981. According to Historic Mysteries, John and Sue suffered blunt force trauma to the head and were stabbed multiple times. keddie murders survivors. Despite a thorough investigation and numerous suspects, the case remains unsolved to this day, leaving many questions . He also told authorities he had a hammer, which went missing around the same time the murder occurred. In his dream, he had tried to stop the bleeding in Sues chest with towels, and he covered her with a blanket. You May Also Like: The Disappearance of the Five Sodder Children. The discussion suddenly erupted into a violent attack. Neighbors said that for the most part, she kept to herself but the family was integrating well. [10] Tina, who had been watching television at the Seabolt residence, was told by Sheila that Sue wanted Tina home by 10 PM, so Tina returned to #28 around 9:55 pm. The cabins telephone had been left off the hook and all of the lights had been shut off as well as the drapes closed. However, none of the evidence helped the investigators find the killers or determine how she died. Tina was missing from the scene. What the 14-year-old girl discovered inside the modest four-room cabin instantly became one of the most macabre scenes in modern American crime history and has come to be known as the gruesome Keddie murders.
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