Replaced Browder's event pic and added one for Foster. Added Pondichry as a French exonym for the Pondicherry victory point. Fixed a bug with the release of German Somaliland. Decreased the completion time for the Left Kuomintangs First National Elections national focus. Fixed puppet Britain peacing out with the Entente. Electing RadSoc leader Jerzy Sochachki for Poland no longer adds Totalists to the coalition. Fixed a dead-end in the Canada/Iceland bailout events. Fixed NatPop Italian Republic getting Dalmatia and Rijeka inappropriately in the Treaty of Budapest. Player-controlled Ottomans can now join the Reichspakt without being in a defensive war, or Germany already beating Russia. Create New. Continuing the tradition of last patch, this is a slightly smaller update but coming to you far sooner than you might have expected. Fixed woke stability malus Codreanu got for compromising. Fixed the White Ruthenia SocDem game rule. Indian states without cores will no longer add resistance when being cored. Fixed Belgiums Hubert Pierlot portrait getting overwritten by its equivalent portrait from vanilla HoI4. Adjusted the Legation Cities commander roster, added new traits. Fixed the boots in the background of a soldier on the 0.21 main menu screen. Fixed an inconsistency with the Left Kuomintang First Congress events. Fixed Brazilian national focuses which seek investment from Germany and Canada being available if the former no longer exists. Replaced Morocco's RadSoc leader with Leon Sultan. Princely Federation now goes isolationist far less, Added a warning about claiming the title as Caliph for the Saudis and Rashidis, Middle Eastern populations fully adjusted to new states, Increase the speed at which Indian nations gain cores on the other conquered factions, Optimised Turkestan events, deleted many more, Japan now has a unique leader when puppeted by any socialist power, Syndicalist Japan will now be able to deal with the Imperial House (AI-only paths), Siam can no longer go down its political trees when puppeted, Redid Transamurs foreign policy and industry sections of their tree, Indian states should now have priority in peace conferences for Burma, Player-led Australasia can now demand territories from the Anderson doctrine at threat of war. Fixed the South Africa / Entente peace mission firing after the initial war. Russia can now core Ashkhabad, Batumi, Bessarabia, Cernauti, Kars, Lww, Sakhalin, Stanislawow, Transcarpathia, Tuva, Viipuri and all the Karelian states. East Turkestan is now in Turkic tag renaming list. Fate of Kyrgyzstan no longer loops if left to time out. Vietminh Killer can now only be given to GEA, not anyone at war with Indochina. Removed the A New 1066 / 1328 events from Russia, which granted free spawned divisions. Fixed the incorrect flag appearing for Austria in the game rule screen. Fixed the Foreign Office focus for the United Kingdom not working when the conditions are fulfilled. Fixed Brazil losing cores on its revolts. ANQ now integrates GEA concession states as part of its regular provincial integration decisions. Improved the French Republics ability to core the Mtropole. Mittelafrika can now be given any African territories that Germany annexes. Denmark now has a less-punishing German-based recovery. It will now use the war stability modifier. Japan now loses claims and ambitions on Insulindia's core/claimed territories if they enter an alliance. Tweaked fall of Gibraltar event to only fire when it happens outside the SCW. The Fengtian Government now gets a notification about countries accepting or refusing to attend the Unification Conference. Fixed GBR not keeping Ulster when releasing a free Ireland, improved the code a bit, and converted a couple of descs into scripted loc. Fixed Chayaburi being transferred to China without the latter controlling Laos. Fixed Sardinias Amadeo not being restored in their annexation event, if Sardinia had previously capitulated. Fixed the NPA tree not loading correctly for Liangguang. Fixed Fengtian not being able to integrate its allies. Fixed the bypasses for Jabal Shammar's coring foci. Fixed Denmark not removing the Agricultural Depression national spirit correctly. Fixed the Chinese Federalist ultimatums ending the Lianguang / Sichuan ally wars. Fixed the Serbian aeroplane purchase event resulting in a lockout. Added infrastructure/logistics decisions for Fengtian. Added an event where Wilhelm von Preuen (Wilhelm III) may now be made a Field Marshal, shortly after the onset of the Second Weltkrieg. Added the missing option to keep all of the West Indies Federation under occupation. Kuala Lumpur and George Town are now urban terrain. Fixed Mongolian railway decisions not connecting western part of the country with the capital. Fengtians Restore the 1923 Constitution national focus now requires Beijing to be controlled. Escort Cruisers and Cruisers are now referred to as Light Cruisers and Heavy Cruisers respectively, as in vanilla. Added Panama naval minister to Centroamerica if Panama does not exist, and Centroamerica controls Panama. Fixed the Dominican Republic ships spawning incorrectly in their event. Fixed the 4th of July event firing multiple times. Reducing ones Economy or Mobilization law in peacetime (via the decision) now refunds a portion of the PP which was spent to acquire the law. Adjusted the factory composition in the Dutch East Indies, and gave them some off-map factories. Added some events for the Sino-Japanese War. It will be in a following patch. The effects of the Halifax Conference are now removed once Germany capitulates. Chinas army reform decisions are now activated automatically instead of manually. We have bigger plans for the UI going forward, but getting it out sooner lets us test and get feedback sooner rather than later. Fixed Hawaiis purchasing of ships causing event spam for majors. Fixed AST and IRE joining the TI while already a member of it. Fixed the event where the successor the United States can choose to keep their old colour. Fixed Transamur getting ten times their calculated division limit. The Combined Syndicates of America can now demand that New England rejoin them, if Canada is gone. Greece will no longer be automatically banned from ever joining a faction again, if they are successful in performing the Megali Idea. Fixed a broken West Indies Federation trigger causing an early Weltkrieg. Fixed being able to give Limburg to a non-existent Belgium. Fixed the Commune of France not being able to core Corsica. Fixed non-socialist countries staying in Phalanstere, after the government changes from being socialist. Altered the effects of the Blood, Toil, Tears & Sweat and Total Mobilisation national spirits for the Union of Britain. Fixed a duplicate USA portrait being present. Fixed Paraguays decision to join the Third Internationale not appearing. Updated the political party names for puppet Germany. Adjusted the AI factors for completing some New England national focuses. Fixed two League of Eight Provinces decisions not subtracting their custom costs. Poland can now annex Gumbinnen if it has annexed Konigsberg. Fixed a royalist Serbian event increasing the wrong party popularity. Fixed the French Republic being released as a puppet with the wrong government and/or with no cores. AI Greece will no longer use War for Macedonia decision when it's already at war. Fixed the Legation Cities Tsingtau Collaboration, and other German-related national spirits staying around, after German East Asia has been defeated. Fixed South Africas missing leader descriptions for Nicolaas Havenga and James Hertzog. Non-socialist and socialist Australasia can now only perform trade missions with non-socialists and socialists respectively. Fixed Shanxis Feng Yuxiang path causing a crash to desktop. Reduced many of the Dutch East Indies focus times. Fixed Yemen not being able to integrate Arabia properly. Fixed FNG not getting cores on China when released by Japan, XSM will now give Chamdo to Tibet when releasing them, Fix your eyes, youve been reading the patch notes for too long, Fixed the Roads to Riga idea not being removed if Riga dies, Removed a meme description from the Persian Balochistan focus, Fixed the DEI focus tree building factories on INS states, Fixed a missing Sichuan loc entry and a typo, Fixed Yunnan not getting claims on Sichuan when forming the KMT government, Fixed Sichuan retaining cosmetic tags when puppeted, Fixed Japan getting the Fading Sun after annexation, Fixed Iceland staying in the Reichspakt's wars after breaking free from Denmark, Upon completion of the Cod War in Iceland, a unit is generated so that they have some form of defence for naval invasions, Added missing vanilla tooltip about extra aircrews. The main purpose of this is to aid the AI, preventing it from frequently sending its forces back and forth between the two fronts of the war. The National Protection Alliance is now an alternate name for a Chinese splinter, rather than a faction name. Fixed Austria not releasing Bosnia / Croatia in the Military Occupation path. Greatly decreased South Africas compliance requirements for coring Damaraland, Inhambane & Gaza, and Namaqualand. Fixed Hungary not being released upon Austria's final collapse. Socialist Russia now forms its own temporary faction (the Eastern Front of the Third Internationale) with any syndicalist neighbours, and will only fully join the Third Internationale after Germany is defeated. Added Shalva Maglakedize as a general for Georgia. Fixed a couple of Russian ministers being added too early. Fixed Jabal Shammar getting revolts, even after being conquered by the Ottomans. Paraguay now can choose to avoid war with Bolivia. Tweaked the Consumer Goods factors for White Ruthenia. Australasia is no longer double-penalised for getting conscription. Fixed a non hidden immediate in one of Tripolitanias events. Puerto Rico can no longer reunite with a non-existing USA, Austria can no longer take the decision to intervene in WK2 on Germanys behalf if it is currently at war with Germany (duh), Fixed the Red Pope outcome for John XXIII if he is already Pope, Fixed the cancel triggers for Anqing's LEP war missions. Rafael Franco now becomes a general when he coups. Japan can now be released as a republic under very specific circumstances. Fixed the 4th of July event firing twice for the USA. Improved the triggers for the Plan Sierada mission for White Ruthenia. Fixed Romania's Renew Pride national focus not accounting for Romania being a puppet. Tweaked many national spirits which increase the conscription factor for small counties, due to it having a negligent effect. Germany will now let an allied Austria take areas in the Austrian sphere of influence in a postwar peace conference. Added annexation options for Mittelafrika to receive Namibia, Bechuanaland and Zimbabwe. Anqing can now proclaim the Republic of China if they control Beijing, so long as the side that they had previously aligned with has been capitulated. Buffed the effects of some Sardinian national spirits. Iceland also now leaves its old faction when joining a new one during the Cod War, Iceland can no longer do its resistance decisions once it has broken free. Changed Switzerlands SocLib party from Landesring der Unabhngigen to Liberale Partei der Schweiz. Replaced the advisor Rashid Rida with Muhammad ibn Ibrahim Al ash-Sheikh in Saudi Arabia. Fixed Romania's tree not checking for the correct government. The Union of Britain starts with two fuel silos. Fixed Greece permanently not being able to join the Reichspakt if they seize Germanys industries, instead of temporarily. Fixed an annexation event referring to a non-existent Austrian Empire. Germanys Black Monday national spirit now has different modifiers. Fixed the Railway Nationalisation national focus for NatPop Russia giving a buff which is later reduced in a consequent national focus. The Illyrian Sdbahn national focus for Austria now connects the railways from Trieste down to Sarajevo, with an additional branch leading to Split. Fixed Nicaragua requesting socialist aid from Canada. Finished the localization and added a new focus filter for the Legation Cities tree, New German and Japanese commanders for the Legation Cities, they leave if either group takes over the Cities, Legation Cities can now pay pp to boost their relationship with Zongchang-led Shandong, leading to better trade power and civilian economy to be diverted from Shandong to them, Iceland has received a new leader for the social democratic party, Added new news events for Russian leadership changes, Reduced focus times on Indian focus trees, Moved Indian focuses which would add cores to regained Indian states to be decisions instead. Improved the AIs logic in Argentinean decisions, national focuses and advisors. Fixed Georgia being referred to as a Kingdom, when puppeted by Russia. Velchev stops being a security minister if Zveno-lead Bulgaria maintains the monarchy. Fixed Fengtian not being able to integrate Mongolia / Tibet / Xinjiang. Fixed So Paulo not having Salgado as leader when it rises up against Vargas. Pataut Norway will now try to naval invade Denmark if they are at war. United Baltic Duchy, Lithuania and White Ruthenia now start as a unique custom puppet type - Oststaaten. Increased the state category / number of building slots of Belize. Fixed some America Light Cruisers being allocated as Heavy Cruisers. Fixed Dutch East Indies getting two versions of the Army national spirit. This is to emphasise that they are meant to be considered one country, and to make it more clear who is revolting. Fixed Spain starting with unusable plane designs. Fixed an exploit in Qings spawned bandit divisions. Fixed Burgenland not going to Danubia when the latter is formed in the Austrian annexation event. These can be activated via game rules, though if you are in debug mode then the State Transfer Tool is available by default. Qing AI will only attack Shanxi before the 5th ZhiFeng War if they win the LEP intervention. Fixed Bircher being replaced by a generic for puppet NatPop Switzerland. Fevzi Pasha can centralise the Ottoman Empire successfully. Germany in Exile now gets Mittelafrikas design companies. Changed the Socialist Republic of Italys short form of its name to Socialist Italy. Post Balkan War Defeat Bulgaria can no longer join factions if they take the opportunism route. Fixed Argentinas missing leader description for Farrell. Nerfed many ROM national spirits a bit, tweaked the post-war trees. Fixed an invalid French division template. Russia can now invite an independent East Turkestan into its faction. Fixed a crash bug caused by a bad Bulgarian event picture at the start of the Balkan War. Added a unique icon for the Chinese Factions screen. Updated AI priority for German industrial focuses. Fixed Bucovina costing 1% weekly war support to integrate instead of 0.5%. This is also potentially available to Ukraine. Fengitan will now receive the option to cut industrial soy during the Great Drought sooner. Fixed the Royal Atlantic Aero Corps activation for Canada. Fixed the Phalanstere not working for players without Together for Victory. Fixed Sichuan being able to reach negative opium spread values. Fixed Fengtian getting Zhili-in-Exile Sichuan in their National Pacification Army faction. Fixed Russia starting an early WK by attacking Ukraine in the middle of their revolution. Germany will no longer research doctrines before getting rid of the Victors of the Weltkrieg research speed debuff, Chile now asks the faction leader before simply joining their faction, Fixed Iosif Dshugasvili existing in multiple places at the same time, Russian countries can no longer release Russia, Puppet Russia is now able to fix black monday, South Africa will no longer take loans and instantly repay them with the loan money over and over again in a loop, Maximiliano Hernndez Martnez will now no longer remain as General in El Salvador should the capital be taken over by Partisans, Tibet and Mongolia should now get the correct cosmetic tags (and flags) should they become autonomous regions of the LKMT government. Laos, Vietnam, and Cambodia can now be released properly after one takes the decide what to do with each region option in the Indochina release event. Fixed MarLib Fengtian forming the Anguojun. Fixed missing Military Background spy trait text. Hey all, not much to say here other than some pretty words to let you know that this is a hotfix and fixing some of those pesky release bugs. Tweaked event pictures for the Third Weltkrieg and the Assyrian revolt. Fixed the NatPop Ottomans not being able to centralise the Greek islands, complete the focus Emancipation Vanguard. Fixed the Latium state breaking Italian unification, if it was previously taken from the Papal States and cored by the Socialist Republic of Italy, before being conquered by the Italian Republic. This includes updating the railroad and supply hub locations, changes to army, air and naval experience generation and doctrine research, and implementing the new scripting features for modders that Paradox have added to the game. Russia demanding Bessarabia now sends the event to Romania's overlord, if the latter is a puppet. Improved the tooltip for the Kingdom of Two Sicilies urbanisation national focus, to clarify its effect. Fixed Turkey losing an Ottoman core on Bulgarian states. Nerfed Chiles starting units a little bit. Fixed a doubled Centroamerican cash crops effect. Fixed Shandong loan and Shandong Balance decisions missing AI factors. Sudanese militia templates can now be edited. Fixed The Twilight Struggle event firing, if the Commune of France fell in the war. Fixed the Italian Republic causing the Belgrade Pact to merge with the Moscow Accord, before the Second Weltkrieg. The United Kingdom no longer starts with the Army in Chaos idea, since it's given by the initial events. Fixed Hungary gaining Burgenland if Austria collapses. Fixed a Mexico event firing twice for the same country. Added a different picture for the Japan/Entente peace treaty event. Fixed Croatias rebellion attempting to spawn troops on states belonging to the Socialist Republic of Italy. Improved the Union of Britains naval invasion defence AI, and tweaked their military factory allocation AI. 4. Fleets are now transferred from an American faction to the faction that capitulates them. Updated the artwork on equipment used by the Entente. Austria will now send its volunteers in the Spanish Civil War to the Kingdom of Spain, instead of the Carlists. Franz von Bayern is now removed from Germany's general roster when he is crowned king of Scotland. West Indies Federation RadSoc ministers now have the correct ideology. Fixed the United Kingdoms national foci not accounting for non-New England leaders of the Entente. Switzerland can no longer refuse to return Campione to allies. Removed the intelligence minister and theorists. We werent originally intending on another hotfix for 0.13, but it turns out a (rather routine) replacement of event picture references also changed a flag for the German Halbstarke event - meaning they can never remove their Black Monday effects. Fixed annexation missions for Bechuanaland and Zimbabwe not firing for Germany. Krishna Menon (DEH), Muhammad Ali Jinnah (DEH), Sikandar Hayat Khan (DEH), Rajendrasinhji Jadeja (DEH), Zhabdrung Rinpoche (BHU). Ottoman got a new historical operative. Fixed the broken targeting for albania.50, Fixed the CSA being released too late in Landon's route, Fixed the loc for the annexation of Dvinsk, Increased the AI factor for Romania coring Silistria. Fixed the modifiers of Naval Production / Air Production continuous focuses having random names. Changed the version of Sarie Marais for one more period appropiate and removed the Anthem as it was a duplicate of a different song that was already there. Fixed missing technology icons for when certain DLC is not enabled. This has lead to sizable (up to a 15% raw improvement, though your mileage may vary) performance improvements. Refactored Turkey's Kurdish revolt and mechanics. Fixed Brabant being the capital of Carlist Spain. Sdwestafrika can no longer host the German Government in Exile if Mittelafrika collapses. help: help [command] Having a cap on the total number of units (particularly the number of units that smaller countries can field) is the biggest way we can help with this. Hunan can now pursue Buddhisation Decisions while a Federalist puppet. Yemen is no longer referenced in an event about Russia in Saudi Arabia. Fixed Mexicos missing leader descriptions for all of its generals. Which came first - the heat or the fix? Canada's Quid Pro Quo focus fixed - it now requires that you actually intervened in the war (or fought CSA separately, and then gave land back). Removed a bugged Shanxi decision description. Fixed Lazaro Chacon being incorrectly retired from Guatemala. Fixed incorrect definition of Canadian battlecruisers (were defined as battleships). Fixed Perus Benavides missing general description. Fixed the expeditionary counts not being reset in the unit limit calculations. Fixed the Left Kuomintang being unable to declare war on Indochina, in the Intervene in Annam national focus. Fixed restored democratic Syria keeping PatAut/NatPop national spirits. Peacefully annexing an Italian nation will now add their generals/admirals to the annexers roster.
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