Arenvald: Youre kind to include me, Lyse, but we both know who did most of the work. But we need to set our sights on the futureon things whichll improve our lot. Raubahn: You desire to stand aloneI understand. You are aware, I am sure, that many of Ala Mhigos displaced sons and daughters long to return to their newly liberated homeland. We cant stay on the back foot forever No, dammit, if I think like that weve already lost. Arenvalds Voice: Oh, come on, you twowe might as well make it a race! Alphinaud: Whilst you are busy attending to the local fauna, I shall have Master Watt explain to me exactly what is required to restore the Saltery to its former glory. Thus was born the legend of the mad kings trove.. Diana, shall we start with you? The Waking Sands X: 6.0 Y: 5.7 Data Requirements. Pray tell me more. Should we round up everyone who collaborated? Like your bastard father and whore mother! The resultingmonstrosities were then cast into the darkness below the palace. Wed appreciate the help. ), Alphinaud: Expertly done. Nanamo Ul Namo: I fear it will be many years before I feel comfortable taking part in such negotiations. Pipin: I shall be assuming my fathers duties. I agree with Your Grace that the refugees must have housing and employment, but what profit is there for Uldah in this arrangement? Assuming he accepts the post, Ala Mhigo will have added a formidable weapon to its arsenal. Even if my parents deaths were orchestrated by the Monetarists, we could only have brought their hirelings to justice. Arenvald noticed something odd about her. Wiscarhow do you fancy explaining the sultanas plan to your grandfather? I should be happy to arrange a meeting for yousay, at the Scions former headquarters in Thanalan? Nanamo Ul Namo: And it has served me well. But I must yield the floor to Raubahn. Work with your brethren. Come on, you dont mean that. But I had hoped to keep the Monetarists at arms length, and him in particular Nay. Lyse: Thanks, Yshtola. Alphinaud: Well, the question of how to put the mad kings treasures to good use shows no sign of answering itself. And, I hope, as friends. We have more pressing matters to consider. (There are black body bags laid out everywhere along the edges of the room. Gosetsu: Bah! They need someone with the Echo, and by the gods, I wish I had it. With Theodorics gold, I could spare my countrymen the shame of living like that. Forget the primal and focus on the foe before you! Lyse: All right. Alphinaud: Arenvald did not exaggerate, I assure you. Not likely! Alphinaud: Allow me to begin, then. That were blind? 1. For vengeance. And what of me? (The scene shifts. You are here for your audience with the sultana! Unlike the others, the interiors been fitted with an array of sensors to measure aetheric wave forms. And who better to consult on matters of profit than the wealthiest man in all of Thanalan? These questions demand answers! Will you join me? Youd never be the same again. The surrounding pods are marked Supply Subject while this one bears the label Master Subject.). I believe I see the direction our adventure is to take. With your winnings, you have become one of the six most wealthy souls in all Uldah. Rest assured that I will do what I can to help you reach your destination. Those were terrible enough. Lyse: You need more than three to best a primal! Would this better please Your Grace? Nanamo Ul Namo: Look upon this procession of tattered tentsThese refugees camp in squalor, at the mercy of the elements and Thanalans predators both. Isnt that right, Diana!? (Off to Kugane and the Ruby Bazaar Offices). Do you want to kill this thing or not? Alphinaud: Of course. Today we butcher the Butcher! I would have this parting be a joyous one. Nanamo Ul Namo: Profit? And not to mock you, either. There are 11 Gyr Abanian Sidequests in this location. Pray see to it that we have the appointed room to ourselves. I offer you peace and ssserenitySssurrender yourselves to me. Wiscar: Youve some experience hunting monsters, dont you, Diana? Arenvald: Speaking of help, I almost fell over when Fordola turned up. Raubahn: Aye, let them keep their swords. Which of the settlements you visited would best provide a home for our refugees? ), FFXIV Collect: Minions, Mounts, Titles, and more, RNGesus and You: Ponies, Pigeons, Polis, and Probabilities, How To: Free Company Buffs & Aetherial Wheels, Making Adaptive Hotbars with Macros (basic), Aurics Tips & Tricks for Heaven-On-High Clears. Raubahn: This Qalyana elders intentions seem at odds with all we know of her tribe. All the pods are designed to drain the aether of the occupantsave that one right there. Alphinaud: Then I shall come as well. Raubahn: We must break through! Turned into monsters? We could not hope to carry even a fraction of it out on our own. I assume you have a mind to unearth this hidden bounty? Arenvald: She means to enthrall everyoneWe have to stop her! What are your plans for the rest of the Resistance army, out of interest? Surrounded as I was by liars and manipulators, I confess I dismissed it as a pleasant piece of theater. I dont have a head for details. From what we know of the period, the city was already deserted by the time the waters began to rise, having been all but destroyed by war. Lakshmi: Why? (The guards and Qalyana move to attack. How do I defeat one of those? I see that simply handing out sacks of gil wont solve everything, but I couldnt rightly tell you what to do instead. Flame Scout: General Aldynn asked that you wait for him by the main gate in the Ala Mhigan Quarter. Imperial Pilus Prior: Have you read the reports? Arenvald: Wha I cant move! (The scene switches to Kugane, where a familiar gray-haired Roegadayn Samurai sits on a bench. Id welcome any advice you could give us, Alphinaud. Ordinarily, Papashan would accompany me, but for this particular outing I need an advisornot a minder. Twenty years have passed since the fall of Ala Mhigo and five since the Calamity, yet the plight of the poor has grown more desperate, not less. Arenvald: Im glad you asked, Lyse. I bloody knew it! A lot of the ambient dialogue has been updated with . FINAL FANTASY, FINAL FANTASY XIV, FFXIV, SQUARE ENIX, and the SQUARE ENIX logo are registered . We shall see you on your return. Arenvald: Nice work, Fordola! Lets be about it, eh? The soldier who first spoke up in favor of the Qalyana keeping their weapons springs to mind. 0; 0; Quest Giver; Nanamo Ul Namo. It is my belief that the darkness beneath the palace mentioned by Theodorics former scribe was not a reference to the prison, but to a place still further below: the ruins of Skalla. Have you aught to report? Lyse: Then theyre going to be sorely disappointed. If youll have me. Long live the sultana! And theres a sentry at her door, night and day. My friendsyou are not alone in your anger, your grief, your despair, for it is mine as well! He catches her and sets her on his shoulder.). (The crowd applauds Raubahns impassioned speech. The work of terrible magicks, I fear. But now the war is over, all the unspent fury is being channeled into vengeance. Nanamo Ul Namo: Profit The thought never even crossed my mind. For years, I simply signed where I was told to sign, and sat where I was told to sit, blissfully oblivious to what any of it meant. Bring her out! ], [The yabbys entire body is protected by a hard carapace, but the underside of the head looks soft and vulnerable.]. I take it you know of Theodorics paranoia and the public executions of his kinsmen? Lyse: You still have time, Fordola. I would make of this an investment which shall enrich Ul'dah and Ala Mhigo both. You may repay my faith by journeying to distant Kugane and speaking with him on my behalf. And I will not betray that oath. Actually, leave that to me. Did you believe him, Diana? Other than that, Ala Ghiri was simply a waystation for trade with the Near East. Arenvald: Ah, there you are! Ive got a spyglass here you can use to take a closer look at these pests. Raubahn: Thank you, Your Grace. We have a fortune at our disposal, after all, and allowing Uldah to provide the entirety of the capital will afford Lolorito too much control. Allow me a moment to change into something a touch less conspicuous, and I will join you outside. From the way Fordola kept wincing, though, I get the feeling shes having them almost all the time. Arenvald: We may have a problem, sir. It has no one to sit on it now. Very well! Thancred: Yshtola and I can stand guard without. Alphinaud: General Aldynn is a veteran of countless campaigns, Lyse. If you hadnt been there, the rest of us would be worshipping her by now. But I shall not complain. You need to kill her now! I need your answer now. Alphinaud: Actually, mayhap it would be better if we first adjourned to a more suitable location. I do hope he was still there. The bastards that killed him, the bastards that let it happenmy father deserved better! Alphinaud: Certainly not, Your Grace! Arenvald: Allow me to explain. Were stuck on the back foot. The Garleans called us savages, and Ill be damned if we prove them right! Tattooed Troublemaker: We all know her crimes! Alphinaud: A uniquely brutal despot, by all accounts. (We exit the Drowned City and emerge back on the streets of the Ala Mhigan Quarter), Alphinaud: Arenvald and I forged ahead at the fastest pace we could manage, but I was not surprised to find you waiting for us. Tell us something we dont know But Im pleased to hear shes committed to helping our refugees come home. But we cannot condone the summoning of primals. And thats something I can understand. Arenvald: Who are these representatives exactly? Raubahn: Come, then! But in his last days, the kings fevered mind settled upon an even grislier method of disposal which only a chosen few were unfortunate enough to witness. But at least the game treated Ala Gannha as a reasonable guess, and Lolorito correctly intuited my reasons for choosing it. Well, that concludes our business here, but there is more I would say. Lyse: Id welcome the company! Nanamo Ul Namo: Nay, the deception has served its purpose. You have made your point. Nanamo Ul Namo: It seems youre the one who needs looking after, Marcechamp! Surely youve heard stories of the mad king? Lyse: Butcher the? Ala Gannha has beautiful cliff side houses, but we can't even go inside a few of them. I cannot live in fear of the man. Fordola: All rightFather, whats Lord Gaius like? Id have you at my side. (Fordola starts to walk out of the room.). But yes, you do make a good point. Thank you for lending an ear. Nanamo Ul Namo: Raubahn Aldynn. Salt has ever been a transformative ingredient. Am I no longer deserving of your confidence? We found the mad kings trove, and that is all that matters! ni. (Deep under the lakes surface is an ancient stone door). Shanti: The Ananta wish only that those who dwell within Gyr Abania devote themssselves to our faith You shall all worship Sri Lakshmi! Too often of late, I hear tales of folk over in the city, drunk on victory and hungry for revenge, their heads stuck firmly in the past. 70 Post-Ala Mhigan Liberation. Ala Gannha (X:23.8, Y:6.5) Ala Ghiri ( X: 15.8, Y: 36.6) Situated midway along the eastern arm of Abalathia's Spine, this region is characterized by a succession of steep, stony pinnacles which grow in height and density the further south one travels. Then I need not explain his eccentric nature. Fordola: Why are you two staying!? Butyoure right. Alphinaud: Ah. Wait for us by the aetheryte, and well be along shortly. Pipin: Diana! Lyse: I like that. Wed be enthralled as surely as our sentries were. Which has the greatest potential to flourish, given the appropriate investment? And you, Pipin, would do well not to laugh when the future may hold the same for you! Come, Tsuyu. It looks like centuries of fear and mistrust really cant be washed away in a day. Lyse: Oh, village elders, refugee leaders and the like. Alphinaud: I see. Arenvald: Begging your pardon, butmight I be allowed to speak with Fordola? Tattooed Troublemaker: Its true then! Will you have one? Home; groupement de textes sur la ville; ffxiv ala gannha ala ghiri or the saltery; hadith chtiment enfer. Mnaago: Suffice it to say, our people have had their fill of kingswhich means we need to find a new way forward. Alphinaud: And this plan to revitalize the Saltery does make a lot of sense. Shes going after Lyse and Raubahn! Mnaago: Then lets execute her and be done with it. Nanamo Ul Namo: Yes, the Bull of Ala Mhigo need not be put out to pasture just yet. Itll be hard. He is a son of Ala Mhigo. In-game description Godbert: Forgive me, Your Grace, but you appear to laboring under a misapprehension. Tis a fair decision, and one which signals the end of my part in all this. I have taken the liberty of sketching out a rough map of the ruinsif you will assemble a squad of your most trusted freedom fighters, they should be able to follow the route to where the treasure lies. I drew steel on ordinary folk for a measly crust of bread. Lyse: I know. Fare you well! Such a miserable way to die. We have piqued Loloritos interest and secured his invaluable expertise. Watt: Good lad. So, does this mean youve gotten better with that blade of yours? Quite how you convinced her to seek Loloritos help is another question. class=" fc-falcon">ffxiv ala gannha ala ghiri or the saltery. You cannot compare yourself to a commander of his experience. Imperial Tribunus Militum: Deplorable. Lyse is trying to reason with them, but she may need help. For all our potential, we are indolent creatures by nature. We shall soon put the lie to their claims. 70 . ), (The junior Imperial officer moves to help, but his senior stops him.). 1,500 Million Final Fantasy XIV Gil $2927.07. The gate to the arena opens and Nanamo runs in, evading all attempts to stop her.). Her powers out of control! Thank you, General. But they didnt have Diana and Alphinaud in their party. But why settle for a lowly apprentice, when you could have the master! You already have citizenship! Shall we seek her out? The imperial invasion brought an end to their more widespread distribution, much to the dismay of many a wealthy gourmand. They need us! But even after all that has happened, my homeland is free. Youd best come and see for yourself! Lolorito: By all means. Lyse: Diana! Let us make our way to the landing, and I will see that word is sent to the Gold Saucer. We have searched the prison beneath the palace, and found a door concealed by enchantments. Raganfrid: Not you. Alphinaud: Indeed. Sending her to the gallows might satisfy people right now, but where would it end? The Waking Sands would seem a suitably neutral venue for negotiations, dont you think? Once youve got their measure, you can tell me what to do, and well see how well I get on! And so he ordered that every soul with a claim to the throne be executedincluding his own family. Tell us, Arenvaldhave we any clues as to where we might begin our search? Theyre insisting they be allowed to attend the council. Fordola: Youy-you All that powerall that pain Its too much Too much for anyone! What do you want with me? The matter of Fordolas sentence cannot be suffered to disrupt proceedings. I share your thirst for justice. Have you found anything here which might explain why its so different for her? Tell us, how do your people feel about the idea of a republic? And I think Lyse should be the first. It starts with insults most often, then someone picks up a stone Some industrious souls even thought to seek out the graves of Zenos and his officers. Naturally, a lot of people are crying out for vengeance, but Ive been doing my best to calm things down. Which isnt to say we wont be putting the safety of our allies in the Vira and M tribes first. Lyse: Yes, wed all like to know about those, Alphinaudbut not everyones as comfortable interrogating royalty as you. Naturally, the savages beat their chests, and boast loudly of taking his head, regardless. Hmph. What think you, Diana? Nanamo Ul Namo: Nothing? It is just possible, I suppose, that a corrupt official deliberately hid the fact of the troves discovery, hoping to enrich himselfbut I find it rather unlikely that so valuable a find would stay secret for long. The Garleans are meticulous about such things. Theodoric was our last rulerand he wasnt called the mad king for nothing. The King of Ruin suffered no rivals, real or imagined, and his dispute with the monks of the Fist ended with Rhalgrs Reach being burned to the ground. And then I had my blade. But I would gaze upon Gyr Abanias stars one last time before I leave, (The Warrior of Light starts to leave Raubahn alone with his thoughts, but Nanamo appears at the doorway and approaches Raubahn. Alphinaud: Taken in combination with the testimonies of Krile and Thancred, I do begin to see exactly what the imperials were attempting here. I tell you this so that you understand I know all too well what poverty and hunger can do to a person. ), Arenveld: Bugger it. And what, a few stolen memories tell you everything you need to know, do they? Krile is possessed of an unrivaled ability to hear the whispers of the soul, and it seems probable that the procedure engendered the same acute sensitivity in Fordola. I see you for what you are! Think you could cast an eye over a few of the local beasties and teach me how to deal with em? Wiscar: Aye, fought them myselfafter a bit of instruction from Diana here, like. The hour of the meeting draws near, and I would gather my thoughts. Alphinaud: Indeed. Fordola: What in the? You spoke with Fordola, I take it? To this day, it is not certain if the incident was simple misfortune or an expertly planned assassination. Ive also adjusted the format slightly from the one I used for the main Stormblood questline text files. Nanamo Ul Namo: So this is where the Scions first congregated I have heard many tales, but never had occasion to visit. As I grew, she would check my brow over and over, convinced that a spot on my skin was an emerging third eyelike the kind you see in pureblood Garleans. The match I had been invited to attend was not at all what I expected.
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