2. 1. Her mother, Elizabeth, was too ill to travel. It drew from the King James Bibles phrasing of a blessing given by Jacob to his son Joseph promising him blessings unto the utmost bound of the everlasting hills (Genesis 49:26). He married Elizabeth Lewis on September 20, 1790, two months before her twenty-third birthday.91 Isaac and Elizabeth Hale took Nathaniel and Sarah Lewis, along with Sarahs mother and her eight-year-old sister, Lurena Cole, and quickly left for Pennsylvania since they would travel over two hundred miles to their new home barely ahead of the winter weather using a small, single ox drawn cart to carry all their goods with those of the family members that accompanied them.92 When the Hale and Lewis families arrived in the Susquehanna Valley, winter had already arrived and the struggle for survival began. Emma and Joseph III returned to Nauvoo after the conference and he led the church from there until moving to Plano, Illinois, in 1866. But Harmony Township was virtually all Methodist. 280. ; The Isaac Hale Beach Park on the island of Hawaii was named for a descendant who lived in the . Upham,Life of Timothy Pickering,4:119. Perhaps part of Comforts lament about religious decline in the Susquehanna Valley was more a reflection of his own aging and the aging of his principal religious associates that it was due to any specific events. He was likely a local Freemason. . Anderson,Ancestry and Posterity of Joseph Smith and Emma Hale, 42728. OnDecember 27, 1828, Jesse Hale assessed a tax on his fathers 130 1/2 acre farm (due to his rounding the figures, they totaled 131 acres). This was part of the evangelist Jonathan Edwards strategy to rear missionaries prepared from their youth to take Christianity to Indian villages in southwestern New York and northern Pennsylvania, and Buck lived with the Onondaga, or People of the Hills, for ten years before the start of the war. After offering him a ride, the man declined, saying that he was headed to Cumorah, and then disappeared suddenly. The only significant difference between Lucy Smiths home and Elizabeth Hales home was the location of the stairway leading to the second floor and a full second story in the Hale home rather than a half-story such as was in the Smith home. Isaac was still working for Colonel Pickering when the Hales had Emma baptized. 305. Did Emma Smith have children with her second husband? . Even Nathaniel Lewis was criticized by his congregation. GraciaN. Jones, My Great-Great-Grandmother Emma Smith, Ensign, Aug.1992, 3036. Andrew Tracys 17991801 diary, as cited in Blackman,History of Susquehanna County,11516; Blackman,History of Susquehanna County,431. 255. There is no record Joseph entered into any additional marriages after the fall of 1843.5, Emma rarely spoke about the practice after Josephs death. Lucy had her scribe insert every with a carat in front of appendage in her history, assuring the reader would not just imagine a few conveniences but every one. Porter, Larry C. A Study of the Origins of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in the States of New York and Pennsylvania, 18161831. PhD diss., Brigham Young University, 1971. The young women in the McKune family married most of the prominent men in the township. Emma first met her future husband, Joseph Smith, in 1825. After Isaac Hale established a farm, he returned to Wells to marry Elizabeth Lewis. Blackman,History of Susquehanna County, 578. During the Panic of 1837, the Kirtland Safety Society, the banking venture that Joseph and other church leaders had set up to provide financing for the growing membership, collapsed, as did many financial institutions in the United States at that time. 135. When Lucy Smith recalled years later her visit at the Hale home in autumn 1828, she described the home as amansion that included convenient appendage necessary. Since the dimensions of the Isaac and Elizabeth Hale home and its proposed layout were similar to the Joseph and Lucy Smith frame home in Manchester, New York, Lucy must have focused on something other than size in her exuberant description. In early 1776 Nathaniel Lewis transferred his home with its sixteen acres of land by deed to his commanding officer, David Welch, and he took his family north to the Green Mountains.73 Although the family may have traveled with relatives, Elizabeth Lewis at only eight-years-old still held significant responsibility during the move, helping her expecting mother with her brothers and sisterseven-year-old Nathaniel Jr., five-year-old John, and two-year-old Esther. But Lucy, who was not there at the time, may have misunderstood Josephs recounting the events, since Isaac Hale suggested that it was Afterthese occurrences, [when the treasure diggers abandoned the project and left, that] young Smith made several visits at my house to court his daughter. Soon Alva prepared to go west and settle in Amboy, Illinois, within visiting distance of Nauvoo, as his brothers also gathered in the same area to live in close circumstances again. 5 Member of Methodist church. 309. This I refused, and gave my reasons for so doing; some of which were, that he was a stranger, and followed a business that I could not approve; he then left the place. Joseph received revelation from God to leave Kirtland for the safety of his family, and on January 12, 1838, Joseph left for Missouri. Before Isaac Hale and his family raised a new frame home on their first homes repaired foundations, they slid the log home to a spot nearby (most likely toward the well in the yard to the east of their home where outside work was typically done), where they lived until they finished their new home. Two of the ominous headstones at the edge of the turnpike were for Joseph Smith, who died on March 10, 1792, and Josiah Stow, a local farmer and grave robber, who died on April 2, 1820, the latter not to be confused with Josiah Stowell. Blackman,History of Susquehanna County,103. 62. He was tasked with finding and unearthing buried treasure presumed to be located there. 210. The earlier Hale log home still stood on Isaacs property where the Stowell work party likely stayed. Between sermons Francis Asbury designated Nathaniel Lewis and four others as local preachers and ordained Lewis a Deacon. Upham,Life of Timothy Pickering,19. The only child of theirs to be baptized after the controversy began was Isaac and Elizabeths daughter Emma, who was baptized by Buck not long after her birth in 1804, just before Methodism arrived in the valley.173, The slave Sylvia Dubois attended the same congregation where Emma was baptized and described it as the Calvinistic faith . This set into motion the events that ultimately led to Joseph's arrest and incarceration in the jail in Carthage, Illinois. [18] She saw upholding morality as the primary purpose of the Relief Society. Blackman,History of Susquehanna County,103. Emma delivered a baby son who died soon after birth on June15, 1828, when she nearly died herself. Enoch Mudge,The American Camp-Meeting Hymn Book(Boston: Joseph Burdakin, 1818), vii; Adam Clarke, the theologian to which many Methodist clergymen, including Emmas uncle Nathaniel Lewis, looked for insight into the scriptures, interpreted the Elect Lady mentioned in the Second Epistle of John (2 John 15) as an eminent Christian matron . The first Latter-day Saint hymnbook was printed in Kirtland in 1835 under Emma Smiths name. During this period, the government approved a plan to build new twenty-foot wide roads to replace meandering trails and increase access to the area. George Catlin,Last Rambles Amongst the Indians of the Rocky Mountains and the Andes(New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1867), 910. One day, when Elisha Bibbins was the circuit rider, Isaac came across his daughter Emma in the woods while out hunting.216 Mr. The flatter land along the river was initially used for family gardens, but after the famous pumpkin freshet of August 1794, when the river flooded and swept the settlers food supply downriver, settlers grew timothy grass and clover resistant to flooding along the river that provided winter hay for their livestock.112Only a narrow strip of land on the ridge that followed the floodplain on the north side of the river-supported gardens.113. Mumford owned a large lumbering company elsewhere in the county and along with the four residences in the Susquehanna Valley, the company also paid taxes on a sawmill. The comforts Lucy observed may have included running water. A New Chapter, About to Be Published,Amboy Journal, April 30, 1879, 1. She initiated contact with her family. In December 1827, with financial support from Martin Harris,[1]:8 the couple decided to move to Harmony, where they reconciledto some extentwith Emma's parents. A detailed exploration of this home, including images of the construction plans, and the Pickering family interaction with Isaac Hale and his family is in Mark Staker, Emma Hale Smith and Her Family in Harmony, Pennsylvania, Historic Sites Files, CHL, 2010. Timothy Pickering Letter to John Pickering, Starucca, May 3, 1807, Timothy Pickering Papers, 4:2. In May 1829, Emma and Joseph left Harmony and went to live with David Whitmer in Fayette, New York. The original tax booklet as prepared by Comfort and Hale included columns for different rates of land (1st, 2nd, 3rd, and unimproved) and a column each for houses, mills, horses, oxen, cows, and occupation. 208. Roses men began mapping property on the north side of the river so it could be sold. Headstones of Isaac and Elizabeth Hale. [4] Francis Asbury, Journal July 11, 1807, cited in George Peck,Early Methodism,154. 9. Jesse Hale served in various elected positions including superintendent of the local schools for District 3 while John Comfort served for District 1. 2 Isaac Hale (1763-1839) 3 Joseph Smith Sr. (1771-1840), was a treasure seeker. He and others had already searched the spot with hired hands, but he was returning for another effort with a new workforce to help him find it, including Joseph Smith Sr. and nineteen-year-old Joseph Smith Jr. (an old stone face down beside 140) 141. Although Emily Blackman dates construction of the first Pickering home to 1800 (Blackman,History of Susquehanna County,95), Timothy Pickering noted in a letter to one of his sons that it was built in 1801. 191. While it is unlikely Isaac knew much about Josephs education from observing him with the treasure diggers, writing letters was an important part of courting during the period and this gave Isaac an opportunity to evaluate Josephs abilities. tiger woods mini golf arizona. Let come what will, youve got to bear ittaint no use to flinch. After Joseph and Emma Hale Smiths marriage, they returned to the neighborhood that became for them a significant place in their familys timeline. Anderson,Ancestry and Posterity of Joseph Smith and Emma Hale, 303. These may be the bodies of other family members or neighbors moved at the same time or earlier forgotten burials. He married Elizabeth Lewis. [a] Although the company was unsuccessful in finding the suspected mine, Joseph and Emma secretly met several times at a friend's house. Many of these changes and a large number of the original songs included in the hymnal are attributed to W. W. Phelps. In winter there was no other way save by foot-paths. 116. Pickering negotiated the treaty of Canandaigua in 1794, and he served as the United States expert on Indian relations until he became Washingtons Secretary of State, a position Pickering held until disagreements with John Adams led to his dismissal on May 12, 1800. It is clear the two men influenced each other. George Peck, a minister who traveled through the valley along the great river bend many times during the first half of the nineteenth century called it the Susquehanna Valley, (Peck,Life and Times,455). Timothy Pickering to Rebecca White Pickering, February 21, 1808; Rebecca Pickering to Timothy Pickering Jr. March 27, 1808. Nine months after Robert Rose purchased much of the valley, Isaac Hale paid him one dollar on November 29, 1809, for 90 acres of land and agreed to a mortgage of $340.92 for the remaining sum. I told them, that I considered the whole of it a delusion, and advised them to abandon it. John led the Methodist congregation in Wells when his first son was born in a log cabin in the village in 1801, the same year the Rodsmen movement peaked and then collapsed, Elder John Lewis, Elial T. Foote Papers, 2:37; and Paul,History of Wells,119. Blackman,History of Susquehanna County,92. 129. . [1]:12 They lived first with the Whitmers in Fayette, then with Newel K. Whitney and his family in Kirtland, Ohio, and then in a cabin on a farm owned by Isaac Morley. I dont know how but he followed me into the house . 48. [10] Beginning at age eight, she was involved in the local Methodist Episcopal Church in Harmony, reading the Bible and singing hymns. Although a large, level valley in the center of the township became Wells village, the Lewis family settled away from the village on inexpensive land on a rocky mountain top near the northeastern township line. The twenty-three-year-old Tim married twenty-three-year-old Lurena Cole, on December 29, 1804.156, Just as Isaac Hale and Nathaniel Lewis finished building the large Pickering mansion, Lurena Cole Pickering and her husband Tim, along with Lurenas mother (Nathaniel Lewiss mother-in-law), moved into it.157 Lurena delivered a son, Charles Pickering, November 10, 1805. After Hale returned home from military service, he inherited all of his grandfathers estate with the stipulation that he was to take into his Care his Grandmother Phebe Ward in her old age, to keep and provide for during her life, to free her from all or any cost to this State.24 Despite the presence of his uncles, Hale inherited both the property and responsibilities of a son. I have interpreted Blackmans fifty years as a round number meaning for a long time. Since Blackman only mentioned Elizabeth as a consistent member and not Isaac, either he was a late joiner or had not initially been consistent. They were evidently painted by Indians; but when, or by whom, is not known. Based on her thirty years of experience doing archeology at Woodlands Native American sites, including one in the Susquehanna Valley at Great Bend, Nina M. Versaggi, Director, Public Archeology Facility, Binghamton University, has suggested the location may have been a local burial site or a sacred ritual site but was not likely the location of an early village or settlement, personal communication to author, September 13, 2013. They frequently walked from five to six miles to be present at prayer-meetings.198The shift in religion was not as universal as he suggested, however, and Bucks congregations down river in Great Bend and up north in Bainbridge continued. He holds a Ph.D. from the University of Florida incultural anthropology. Emma was 21years old when she met 19-year-old Joseph Smith at the end of October 1825. The Hale property is carefully drawn in the Rose survey maps and labeled with Isaac Hales name.232 While preparations to divide the Rose tract were underway, Isaac and his sons helped finish the Lewis familys new home in 1809 on poor farmland south of the Susquehanna River and just east of a small creek (now Bedbug Creek). See Emily Blackman, Susquehanna County, 1090. Joseph SmithIII, Last Testimony of Sister Emma,290. Thou Art an Elect Lady: D&C 24, 25, 26,27,, My Great-Great-Grandmother Emma Smith,, My Dear and Beloved Companion: The Letters of Joseph and Emma Smith,, A Heart Full of Love and Faith: The Prophets Letters to His Family,, Emma Smith letter to Joseph Smith, Mar.7, 1839. He was hunting deer and when near this place saw a young Panther about half grown standing on a fallen tree. Colbert,Journal of the Travels of William Colbert,January 15, 1793. Silas Comfort, a boy who grew up with Emma and who attended church with his parents in her familys home, preached in the late 1820s and early 1830s. 273. 74. [13][b] The couple moved to the home of Smith's parents on the edge of Manchester Township, near Palmyra. However, since Drinker was himself a Quaker, it is likely that the name reflected the sentiments of both owner and agent. Wilkinson,Annals of Binghamton,35. 179. He reminisced in his letter to his brothers and sisters of their childhood with their faithful parents. 1810s & 1820s Member of Methodist church at Harmony. 31. It puts his conversion to early 1779, however, which is a year before his parents were supposedly converted. On being told that there was no such word in common usage, the elder said,I dont care, it was applicable.203. The tax records also confirm the Hale family had a log home in 1798 and imply one of their two homes taxed in 1813 was a log home. As a native of Cape Cod and a South Sea man, born to Mary and Gershom Lewis in Gilford, Connecticut, Nathaniel Lewis grew up in shipping and worked for a time as a sailor.63 He also lived on the Connecticut coast within view of Gardiners Island where Captain William Kidd purportedly buried stolen silver before moving to Block Island to negotiate his surrender for piracy. 302. Whether it was Isaacs first choice of occupation, or one of convenience, he was a great hunter, and made his living principally by procuring game.125 Because the valley had been a Native American hunting ground, Isaac Hales occupation put him in direct competition with the Indian villages in the region. Lewis and family have, for two months, lived in the small house we built in 1801. . http://www.sidneyrigdon.com/dbroadhu/IL/miscill3.htm#043079. 45. 141. Blackman,History of Susquehanna County,103. A few visitors from Brigham Young's faction of the Latter-day Saints came from Utah Territory to visit Smith at this house.