She falls for every guy she knows i like. I think he has been taking adderall for over ten years. Luckily, she was of the camp who view Adderall as a medicine, so she simply didnt care (perhaps due to a lack of understanding). cant believe I just found this site. It's hard to resist, but I promise you if you try to reduce each time the dose, you will exit from it (at least from the psychological addiction). My twin sister was having an affair with my long time boyfriend the every guy one we both fell for but picked me. He brags and brags about himself. Did everything I did before except this time I was active with some hobby or project. And all she had to say was thats OK. Its not like that all the time of course. She had her way around boys more that i did. Was being equals before just an illusion? In other words you can say she was very sexy, attractive and hard to resist. I have failed out of school, I have been unemployed for 3 years, I lost touch with just about everyone except for immediate family. Not letting them know is selfish. My brother went down the same paranoid path which ended with death by a gun to his mind that he couldn't stop. I moved out of my home last night after living with my boyfriend for a year. It just makes me wonder who he is trying ton convince. Now Im forced to be sober cause i have a bunch of DUIs and lately ive been taking more adderall. When you can finally drop down you feel lazy but can still make it through the day. In addition to let adults know that you can survive your life without it. You can go cold turkey if youre up for it, but try to taper down a little first if you can. Most importantly, DO NOT take adderal socially, your ADHD personality is better than anyone elses, that randomness allows you to create conversation, at least in my case. She told me she would never sleep because she was staying up all night to talk with him and then she would go to work during the day. I dont think he even knew how dangerous this drug can be to people. And sometime my mindset can scare me, but I know how to calm myself and continue a new. I felt she was in safe hands, a safe place. Why is rehab out of the question? My story is my bf and I met in college he was clingy and needy and at first I wasnt interested. I saw an immediate great change. It might help us all who knows. i promise my adderall is long worn off by now im just excited i found someone i could relate to but sorry that you have to feel that way too. The Pursuer/DistancerEffect also relates to why confidence and independence can be so attractive (because inpendence is in some ways a willingness to distance), and why smothering and dependence can be so repulsive (too much pursuit makes you want to distance). Common in dating relationships where youre not that into the other person to begin with. I only realized it when he thought I was trying to make him break up with me. It's vital you interact with people and you will feel comfortable at these meetings takes a couple times but it will feel like family after awhile. The idea of adrenal fatigue is different between modern medicine and the natural health care world. I was placed on Adderall at age 15. Problem being as many have stated here, she has become very distant with me and has no interest in being close with me in any manner. my niece told me her credit card stopped working because she owes $14,000. My story is long and I'd be happy to share if you desire. It was humiliating for myself and him. I was placed on adderall XR 30mg a year ago. Now I understand what happened to my relationship and the Girl that I love so much. Of course she responded with well this is my soulmate and twin flame. Is that for me to decide? The Pursuer/Distancer Effect can also apply long-term to the behavior and underlying needs of two people in a long-term relationship (think of the last time you were totally whipped or in other words in a constant state of pursuit). It is not me not matter how I look at it or lie to myself. Even though I was very sluggish and anxious after quitting, she still liked me better! The best part is it works the best and I am not distracted by anything at all. And both of them together do whatever they can to make me feel small and belittle me. They understand the adderall is a problem. Ashley Beeman, 34, runs the "Fit and Fabulous . Im really confused at this point because I simply cant achieve the same results off the adderall. You went too far by demanding that he stop. Answer (1 of 4): The desire for any type of drug is likely to spoil both the personal and professional life of anybody. They were also the first generation of Americans to habitually abuse these prescribed stimulants as study drugs well into high school and college (a 2012 review found that the nonmedical use of these pills represent the second most prevalent form of illicit drug use in college, afterweed). Enough whining. Then the side effects started kicking in. If you need his help, trust me. You may be passed the point of just walking away with your own might, rehabilitation may teach you a few things and will help you connect with others so you don't have to do it alone. Its a vicious cycle. The problem is that it doesn't seem to last more than 4 hours. Your puruser/distancer talk is spot on and is multiplied by 100 with adderall. i started to think about all the relationships that she had and how they were very shallow and almost nonexistant. I lived in pain for a whole year having to see her face every family thanksgiving day with the man i love sitting side by side kissing him and hugging maybe to piss me off or something it only made me hate her more and more desperate to get my boyfriend back. I have had similar emotional issues with it as explained above. She moved in with our grandparents, who both have cancer, in order to take care of them, however she has told me and Greg that she is okay of they die. But the pushing/pulling of the relationship is hard. I dont socialize much because of work hours so I have few friends, but I have always been somewhat of a loner. I am starting to get used to it and learning not to give a fuck. I dont think its fair to me , I cant be selfish though and hes the one who holds the power so he doesnt have to make amends with me or make anything better all he has to do is focus on himself while getting my whole life and my whole self and energy to help him along the way while I am silent and powerless of a relationship that should be of equals. You want to meet with this great,most powerful spell caster that is 100% scam free,Just send your emails to this email: ajayiololo@ yah oo. We were both convinced that me moving will help fix how distant he was. There's a lot of perks of going to an inpatient facility. He said he wants to be my friend still, and who knows, we may get back together because he feels like there is something really special between us. when you mentioned that you struggle with feeling like yourself when you are on the adderall, i feel the exact same way. When I get sad about my life situation I take more adderall and dont eat as if to punish myself. I would isolate also.. You would think we would be out and about wired out of our brains.. I had trouble concentrating, I was moody, tons of digestion issues plus more. How am I supposed to feel? ADHD is not a disorder, it is a different way of thinking, instead of being medicated growing up i was allowed to flourish. I had to take it for college or I would have never finished. Thanks to the folks who have spilled their hearts out on this web page I realize I can no longer be involved with her. Its like her mood swings with every passing hour from distant bitch to clingy attentive lover. So she gave Adderall a chance and of course her psychiatrist gave her a higher dose than she could handle and she could longer function, she explained it felt like she was on methamphetamines. He was the first guy I have ever truly loved. Because my time on it was shorter, though I took double what you take for the last three months, I can function without. Why should you expect a call back from him when he knows youre judging him for his medication? September 02, 2010. Ive been on a 10 year high with no comedown. However, as someone who is ADHD, I have a super high intellect and amazing personality, and you all do too, that is something you should realize. I have him everything I have , will he backfire against me an continue to lie to me or will he see how much I care and finally be truthful to me ? My wife of 16 years would periodicly leave me when thing in our relationship would get to a point where she couldnt take the relationship anymore.This always devastated me and catch me completely off guard. However, the universe has guided me to you. My parents have always told me that school is the most important thing in life, then everything else will fall into place. I always felt like I needed to get the last word in. Thatsunclear. I also took 60mgs for years. Hi there, I recently fell head over heels for a guy who I thought was perfect for me in every way. She contacted me again saying she was going to New York City to meet him in person for the first time, he bought and booked her a ticket to spend the weekend with him. Thank you so much. The immediate effect in his personality was obvious; his only thought was excelling in his work, he lost emotion and humor, and he even told me he didnt love me anymore. thats not a bad thing but i really want Caleb to care a little bit about a lot of the important issues in the world. Unfortunately I take it as prescribed so theres no need to take it away. Problem is I did not stop after it was too early in the day to be coming down with no brakes. He buried himself in work, high on adderall, working late nightsignoring me more. I have not really been depressed but I notice when we fight or I am yelled at for something I cry. I totally relate to that. She works six days a week and has 2 jobs. I was amazed when i heard that from him, he said he will cast a spell for me and i will see the results within 48 hours. It may require a break up, either temporary or permanent. However, the downside of it is that I dont get much done without it. At small, recreational doses (20 to 40 milligrams), youll see some biological changes in the brain and some psychological changes, but they wont be permanent, explains Timothy Fong, director of UCLAs Fellowship in Addiction Psychiatry. College is meant for experiencing the joy of thinking, challenging, learn what principles you really believe in and it is a time to ask a zillion rhetorical questions even if you throw out 90% of the answers and return to the ones you had a 12. Adderall comes as a tablet to be ingested orally with doses ranging from 5 to 30 milligrams. It's really not that long. Im tired of taking responsibility for everything. What was a lie and what was the truth? We also need to think about whether our regulation of this controlled substance is working. The very thought of them dying from this disease made he uncontrollably cry just before Adderall. With adderrall I can actually focus on my own life and am able to stop longing for the past. He told me we would talk about it later. I started taking it once in a while because it made me more social and it spun out of control. 2 years ago he decided to take adderall for misguided weight loss reasons and got a legit. i fell in love with her and we spoke of our future together often. We are exactly one year apart (shes one year older). She made fun of fat people, minorities and the under privileged. I dont socialize much because of work hours so I have few friends, but I have always been somewhat of a loner. The hardest part is asking yourself who am I really? Dont be! I was heart broken and i wished to God that he had told me he was sleeping with me and my twin sister when our relationship was still young i would have like always, backed down and let them bask in what ever they think they were doing. this is the real deal with me & without a doubt im sure many other college kids, too. I intentionally over take it to stay high, even though I always stay within my daily dosage which is 50mgs. My ex-wife that i want to get married to left me 4 weeks to our wedding for another man, When i called him he never picked my calls, he deleted me on his facebook and changed his relationship status to Single. ************* About five years ago if anyone had asked me if i trust my twin sister with my life, believe me i would bet my life on it that i can. I want to help him get himself clean. I sent him the charges through his messenger to please help me get the item with the money to get my spell casted.He promised me that in the next 5 to 7 hours that i will start to see results after the spell has been casted to get the love of my life back and others. In case you asking asking yourself how possible it is believe me i dont know and wont tell you i understand cos like i said i never in my life thought it would result to me using a spell or something but there is one thing i know is that the spell worked for me and made my love fall in love with me again. I cant be indebted 60k without a degree. During the first few days, you may experience the more acute symptoms of fatigue, sleep disturbances and depression. He rarely if ever touches me anymore and has no libido. It is important to learn to forgive yourself, and understand that the relationship you have with yourself is much more important than the relationship you have with anyone else. My problem is my husband now feels it like he can blame everything on my ADD and make me feel stupid for forgetting and now blames meds on me not listening saysmIm to focused on other things. If you are too skinny you are not working out, not eating enough etc.. Also, if you take too much adderall it will enhance your ADHD! It was kind of a vice, and I was kind of a buggy-eyed tweaker like your man.