Virgo & Scorpio compatibility. Explore hidden factors such as physical attraction so you can see the whole picture of your relationship. Scorpios value passion and intimacy period! Virgo likes the quiet, intimacy of cafes and Scorpio loves people watching. Sounds like he was mentally disturbed and those things can happen with any sign. If there is something that your lover would like to run after, it is your honor. Virgo is ruled by Mercury, making them passionate about communication. In terms of Scorpio women and Virgo men, a Scorpio woman will always appreciate a Virgo man's reliability. :]. Personal relationship advice based on your natal and composite charts. But, if Virgo will forego endless analytics in the bedroom, sex would be explosive. Distrust can be appeased by a partners stability. The twelfth sign of the zodiac, Pisces, is understanding, intuitive, artistic, and sympathetic. Most of the time, you want to order in whatever you do while your lover wants power. However, if this is what you share with your lover, your sex life will never suffer but will be filled with satisfying moments. You'll find your Scorpio can understand what you're feeling and thinking without much effort, and this works very well for you. Though both represent opposites elements, their union could turn into a blissful karmic bond with time. Scorpio is similar in this matter they are very private and dont feel comfortable opening up and showing their true selves right off the bat. Virgos want stability and security. And theyre both able to keep their analysis to themselves, not letting on whats going on behind the scenes. If you have issues with self confidence, then don't judge yourself by Scorpios standards. You often find it very easy to cope and relate well to each other compared to others. Also, Virgos and Scorpios enjoy each other's company that they often don't find it hard to work well with one another. 1 FREE Report of your choice! This adaptability may be seen as inconsistency by the Virgo while Virgos don't like any discrepancies. Being methodical in nature, a Virgo zodiac male and an untamed Scorpio female seem to a non-compatible pair. But once these two zodiac-signs are bound by nature, and once together, they stay together forever. HiIm a Scorpio woman who was with a Virgo for 16 years. Virgos arent perfect, no one is. And all i can say its amazing , were extremely open about everything , hes trustworthy , loving , very intelligent and really makes me feel secure and safe. What do you think will happen when the passionate Scorpio and the nurturing Virgo fall in love? im a scorpio and my man is virgo. He is very practical and his love language in servitude. Taken to extremes, this relationship can be very shaky and tricky. Because Virgo has a shy nature, it can take them a long time to reach a point where they feel truly comfortable and safe with their partner. I felt like I was paying for someone elses crimes (and weve fought over this numerous times), but after reading about our signs I know hes being careful now. If someone makes a list of the most misunderstood zodiac signs, Virgos and Scorpios will take first and second places. Sexually, Virgo and Scorpio make an excellent match. Aquarius woman. Required fields are marked *. It is the case that you find it very hard to understand your lover being the facts/he is emotionally deep. Display your personal success and converse intelligently about current events, facts only. Scorpios constant emotional outbursts and a crisis of consciousness will really play with the Virgos nerves and quite possibly break them apart! Because they are methodical perfectionists, they value consistency and having stable relationships both with their friends, and their partner. Distrust can be appeased by a partner's stability. Regarding service, both of you are highly oriented and dependable. An introduction to synastry and compatible astrology. MysticMag prides itself on giving you an honest, unbiased view of each site we review - from the ease of using each psychic reading website, to the services on offer and the customer service indeed. Virgo and Scorpio Love Compatibility. Its extremely passionate and he makes me feel the safest ive ever been with someone. Virgo and Scorpio are an eccentric match that can thrive and dominate together, which can make them seem intimidating. It is the case that both of you are ready for each other. So however Virgo treats them is the same treatment theyll receive in return, both good and bad. Your Scorpio is deep, passionate and volatile in all things, and incurring their wrath isn't a good idea when it's avoidable. sometimes he goes cynical towards meand it hurts me that i go cold and silent at him. he will no that its the trueth cuz they can always tell and hill like that. Scorpios embody karma what you give is what youll get. The combination of both of you in the chase for the acquisition of your desire would be unstoppable as you both find it very easy to join your vigor together. You can teach your lover how to communicate well while s/he could show you more about emotion. This has definitely taught me to have some patience. They just like being aware of everything and everyone around them. It's that confidence which makes them so sexy, so enjoy it! When there is too much pressure on you, you often hide in your shell. However, you often find a way of overcoming any trust issue. However, that are just brutally honest, and their delivery is not intended to be mean. Its a mirage out there! In contrast. As with fellow water signs, Scorpios can also perceive the emotional atmosphere and react based on it. They like games and they like to.keep extra gfs on a side in case you leave because they hate to be alone. And insights on a virgo woman hook up, virgo woman in the virgo man sagittarius girl who is looking for in your . Great friendship is pretty much assured, but a love match could be questionable. They use people, every move they make is pre calculated to their best interest only. Scorpios, as water signs, can be unpredictable and violent at the same time. They do it more subtly, but having Virgos by their side will be useful. It might actually be a source of bonding since they view the world through similar lenses, and can compare notes with one another about the people they meet. please. The extreme loyalty that is known to this Virgo Scorpio unionis as a result of the emotional security that both of you have. Content provided on is intended for entertainment, infotainment purposes only and should not be taken as advice. Find out how compatible Virgo and Scorpio are in love, communication, career, and life. Scorpio can sink into depression, or rise to intoxicating heights of ecstasy. Once the relationship begins, overtly sensual Scorpio will need to tread softly with more modest Virgo, but in time Virgo will recognise that he or she can trust Scorpio, and will open up and let loose their own surprisingly sexual, earthy nature. The connection of Venus and your sign on the sixteenth can help . Lending your hand to a friend who is in need is very easy for you. Ive been with a couple of Virgo men and im a scorpio woman. Once this happens, the Scorpio man's anger and hatred can last a lifetime, and he will never recover from the hurt. Most of the time, you both would find it very easy to keep the relationship exciting for a long period. Sometimes, they can burst out of their anger in a fit of passion. They are wary of relationships and are vulnerable to power-games. Virgo is a cautious and reserved sign, and one difficulty your different personalities can lead to is during the start of the relationship. As Virgos and Scorpios balance each other, they make a perfect team, capable of manifesting any dreams or goals they have in mind. But as a Scorpio, you guys know we value and love ourselves, I told him you ever lay a hand on me Ill have you locked up. I believe that no two people are alike, so you must learn to find a balance. The earth signs also share the same negative trait of being a workaholic. Just like you want someone that can reach the emotion behind your rationality, your lover wants someone that will satisfy his communication craves. This trait can bring the Scorpio and Virgo extremely and unexpectedly close. Scorpios, on the other hand, will shift the focus to the Virgo. Virgo is the sixth sign of the zodiac, symbolized by the Virgin. They are wary of relationships and are vulnerable to power-games. Subtle control issues may be the source of problems over time. They become so secretive that they need someone that they can trust to crack them open. Both of you are . For one, Virgos and Scorpios look for stability in life, and they value independence and self-sufficiency. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Scorpios will then let passion get ahead and give Virgo the best sex it can ever have. Virgos are very controlling, obsessive, and disrespectful. Required fields are marked *, By using this form you agree with the storage and handling of your data by this website. Virgo and Scorpio friendship is best described as "spectacular" because both share an instant connection even if they are meeting for the first time. Inside, y. ou'll discover what might be going on underneath the surface, what's the hidden message behind his words and behavior, and many other little-known secrets all based on one simple fact his Zodiac sign. He is what I need to grow and be stable and I thank God for him. But, if Virgo will forego endless analytics in the bedroom, sex would be explosive. In the Virgo & Scorpiorelationship, you could go deep into hiding or your shell while your lover is very outgoing. I will admit that they are unemotional and it can sometimes drive me nuts, but I have learned that thats is just the way he is. Almost the same thing happened with another one. tell him how many but that your not intrusted in them. You can say that Mercury ruling Virgo can be in its fullest form. He shows me he loves me through his actions not words (he is not romantic). While both of these signs pay attention to the details, they do so for different reasons. During their relationship, the Virgo man and the Scorpio woman can align their goals and ambitions to create a team that can manifest anything. They pursue their goals and ambitions in a path with great precision and accuracy. You both are good at communicating and talking your trust issue out. They both seek consistency and dependability. Stop doing this to her and to yourself! I didnt know what I had until he left me. He was hurt by someone very badly before he had met me (2 years before by a Cancer woman!) What you just described, sounds like he was a narcissist. Scorpio and Virgo will have a great connection at first but after the Scorpio woman gets to know more about the Virgo man, she discovers alot of things that will make her move away. Virgo are determined and once they set their mind on doing something they complete it with great achievement. But he just doesnt seem to care and hasnt seemed to want to talk about anything (like we used to be able to do) there is no effort to make things better. As I read your postyou have mastered your Virgo, you recognize his expression of love is more practical. I just need to stop freaking out at him I cant force him to show emotion. but if it goes too long, he will ask me whats wrong. Its not uncommon for Scorpio to get caught up in their own head, and for them to make assumptions about what their partner may be thinking or feeling, even though they dont have any proof. This is why these two need to be careful with their words and to know when theyre about to cross a line. he will let me being like that for moments. All rights reserved. Scorpio Compatibility in Love, Sex & Relationship: Best Ship Is? Around the Scorpio, the Virgo finally seems to have some form of peace and tranquility. Virgo is a clear communicator, while Scorpio is a bit more abstract. 21 years of experience solving real problems for real couples. Scorpios would be drawn to their partner's secretive nature, while Virgo would appreciate their emotional partner. Scorpio is a fearless lover and will take Virgo along for the ride to unknown places. This is a partner who will tempt you to do all sorts of things that a less passionate lover wouldn't, and very likely raise the bar in terms of what you expect from sex. Yes, it is! A stable sane Virgo woman is perfect for a Scorpio man. They are very judgmental of people, but always willing to give a helping hand. I love this boy bro, Run run run! Virgo will take the extra effort to get to know Scorpio, which will be just an illusion since Scorpio will never reveal her 100% to other people. This is a relationship that can take some time getting up to speed, thanks to the fact that both the Scorpio woman and Virgo man have such a tremendous need for emotional control. While it may take a while for them to reach this level in their relationship, theyre both willing to put in the time, making them very likely to get there. Ask the Virgin! They can provide these things very perfectly to each other. Get Deeper Readings With a Trusted Psychic. Both like to keep busy, while remaining productive. A Virgo man and Scorpio woman meekly complement each other. Scorpios boast of themselves as the real Kings and Queens of Bed, and they don't disappoint. Scorpio wants power, whereas Virgo wants order; working together, this couple can achieve both. Imaginative Scorpios can be a bit dominating and get seriously upset when they don't get what they want. They r on to the next one. But if they do, the consequences have the potential to be severe. The key to a lasting relationship between a Virgo woman and a Scorpio man lies in good communication between the two. I am honored to be his girlfriend and I will marry him in a heartbeat. Virgo and Libra Compatibility Love, Life, Trust and Sex Compatibility, Virgo and Sagittarius Compatibility Love, Life, Trust and Sex Compatibility. Virgo can be shy, timid and reserved, and your strong personality, supreme confidence and caring nature will sit well with this partner, while youll find they add emotional stability and a level of organization to your life, which you sometimes lack. Im now like the walking dead, the love of my life, the man I thought Id spend the rest of my life with, is gone. The shy and reserved Virgo likes the strong personality of Scorpio but cannot match the emotional intensity of this lover. The shy and reserved Virgo likes the strong personality of Scorpio but cannot match the emotional intensity of this lover. I feel like a part of me is dying. Our connection is undeniable, spiritual, a twin flame, and I feel as if he is my soulmate. How does it work? Scorpio loves listening to verbose Virgo, which makes Virgo feel appreciated and safe. Due to their analytical nature and razor-sharp attention to details, Virgos tend to become judgmental and critical of others. This relationship could have a little problem as a result of your changing nature compared to your lovers fixed personality. Both share complementary elemental influences which makes them a couple who can create a Paradise on Earth!. There are the differences that cause minor to large problems between these two zodiac signs. This combination can lead to an intense karmic bond between them. The Virgo and Scorpiocompatibility score is 76%. Both of you are committed to making your relationship last, but you value practical expressions of commitment, while your partner values emotional ones. Terms and conditions | Privacy policy | About | Contact, Virgo and Scorpio compatibility in relationships, All these dates can vary slightly by birth year and location. MysticMag contains reviews that were written by our experts and follow the strict reviewing standards, including ethical standards, that we have adopted. Learn how to understand your lovers practicality while s/he understands your devotion. With Scorpio by their side, its a whole new world of intense compassion, generosity, and loyalty. When these two analytical minds meet, you can be sure that theyll leave no stone unturned. In fact, you both could easily talk about what is affecting you or making you lose hope about things. Overall, the tandem of Virgos and Scorpios in the workplace will prove to be great. They both value trust and loyalty and they want a small circle of friends, and they put intimacy on top of everything. I have profound knowledge about Emotional Energy and Healing, Angels to Astrology, Meditation, Law of Attraction, Tarot, and Numerology. Virgos see the world through their critical and rational glasses. This has its benefits, for one you'll find your Virgos relative lack of resistance makes for a partner who brings out your gentler side. Virgos can realign the Scorpios when they fell under their fits, while Scorpios can teach Virgos how to provide criticisms without sounding like a judgmental person. The Virgo-and-Scorpio interaction is one of the more interesting mixes. We just had a good time orrr.. Virgos are known for being analytical, critical, and dedicated to service. The hot and steaming lava may brew inside, waiting for the explosion. Scorpio is the "I transform" sign of the Zodiac, and is intense, powerful, and a change agent. One of Virgos biggest values is stability. Virgo is prone to anxiety and insecurity, so a sense of stability helps them handle this. This is something that is truly appreciated by Scorpio and returned with full devotion and respect. Your email address will not be published. Heartless, worthless, money hungry empty people. They are dependable and are loyal to their friends and lovers and to each other. Plutos influence often makes your relationship more passionate. That being said, Scorpios ability to sense and perceive things about others, without needing the person to say them out loud, will be a great asset in this relationship. Virgo and Scorpio Compatibility "Hey, bb, what's your sign?" could have been a way to flirt since your grandma's days. Scorpio tires of Virgos continual analysis of the world. If there's one thing you'd love about Virgos, that would be their tendency to be loyal and to be trustworthy. Heres why it is one of the best! When there is a connection between the Virgo and the Scorpio, Virgo enjoy the fierce dependability the Scorpio have to offer them while Scorpio enjoy their perfection in everyday life making world a better place to live in. Put those high walls down and get him to trust you by discovering Scorpio Man Secrets! That tendency manifests into workaholism, and it proves to be unhealthy for Virgos. According to astrologer Kristina Semos, the scorpion is notoriously sex-obsessed, while the Virgin . Virgo women are logical and rational. we wont work out without trust, faith, and communication. You may be surprised, but yes, Virgos and Scorpios represent one of the best zodiac match-ups in the world. Scorpios dont cry they make everyone else cry usually. Your emotional attachment to your lover is also connected to how good you both communicate with each other. I love my scorpio man so much! I played gameseven resorted to making him think I was cheating. He says that he loves me very much and when we both are in good positions in life he would love to marry me and take care of me and my son. Get Deeper Readings With a Trusted Psychic. It is the case that you will be able to communicate well with your lover without much ado as a result of your ruler. Virgo is shocked and pleasantly surprised by Scorpio's upfrontness, which the mutable earth sign quickly adapts to. In this love compatibly relationship, your lover finds it very hard to take any report of your dishonesty as true.