His memoir was burned by his publisher after the work detailed his bisexual relations. my higher thinking tend to be seen as too mystical or like wishful thinking making others think that i am a bit mad as well (sextile neptune). are we getting a strange angelic vibe? you know who gets that job? they may have a story attached to them about being completely incoherent - ODs, drowning, coma, concussion, anaphylactic shock, etc. if it bothers you and they care about you, then it should bother them as well. i implore you to read the mercury aspects to see what resonates! they may feel as though they too experienced a lot of unluckiness similar to JUPITER retrograde. * Juno Conjunct/Trine/Sextile Jupiter That day Jupiter in Pisces which falls into his 7th house. Sacrifices will be made for you to begin a clean slate into reality. you may also project onto others as they project onto you. * Sun in 7th/10th take the scenic route or a different route home than you normally do. they may not like confronting others because it feels uncomfortable or they feel attacked whenever they speak up for an injustice they faced - they may experience a lot of gaslighting. Modern Latin made it into nostalgia - acute homesickness. This is a clean slate at living a life you can build for yourself and others, its essential to make the right choices. you could unconsciously put off strangers simply due to sensitivity - the asteroids namesake sparked a lot of fear from the masses after her transformation because of misguided displays of emotion. Physically, watch for problems with the sexual organs. Eventually, when King Actor passed away, Peleus becomes the King of Phthia. for the love of the gods PLEASE AVOID ANYTHING THAT MAY RESULT IN AN ER VISIT: no bungee jumping for the first time, tubing, hand gliding, etc. i just wanted to step in here and clarify some things. they may be a glutton or on the other extreme end someone who believes they didnt do enough to deserve a prize. we can talk at a later time. and walk away - anything that happens after that statement is not your fault. Major life decisions are being brought up, a mirror is being held at your face and youre facing the dreams you have set for yourself or the lies youve deluded in. you may be the type of person to go over to another persons home and then find yourself cleaning or cooking for them. i encourage you to look into the aspects of hannibal along with the sign, degree, and house placement. Or a negative aspect like divorce can arise too. He and I met in school (the 10th house is related to our professional career and school and aspirations, and Gemini is associated with education) and we fell on love on the stage doing drama. every time i see the animated version or the comic section in a newspaper, i go back in time lol. Your birth date and timing is also very important to find a good match . it takes time. since aries rules the eyes, you like may have piercing eyes just like the asteroids namesake. NEPTUNE retrograde people typically struggle with their thoughts - during this retrograde you may feel like you cant think straight or that you are more critical of yourself. This is an important turning point in your life especially if it crosses over your Midheaven (MC) point, youre being called to prove your worth in society as an important asset through your abilities. NOW IM GONNA CRUSH THOSE STELLIUMS WITH 12H CHIRON (22) AND PLUTO (13) - FUCK YOU CHILDHOOD TRAUMA (pt2). They have a natural dignity and are humorous, spontaneous, and often lucky. He was believed to be well read, influential, and one of the finest poets of his time. Art (in general like dancing, makeup, writing, painting etc.) meeting your person, getting engaged, and getting married, mars-uranus aspects, 10h, and the north node, moving homes or traveling in continent or internationally. you dont follow without question - you ask why. if you are asking for a specific asteroid, i do not need you to apologize for bothering me. i have yet to be bothered when asked to tell you guys a story - its literally my favorite part. these people are often estranged from select people in their life - a father, a mother, grandparents, a whole side of the family, etc. 9th house/lord- significator of second marriage in astrology. medusa-neptune: you may feel safest when daydreaming, drinking or indulging in substances, in your safe space, when disguised, and/or surrounded by religion, but these situations may cause you danger. 1h: you, like medusa, may have great hair, and, if you dont believe so, it may just be a bit wild and curly. 3h: you have a powerful mind - like medusa you have power that requires very little effort. a stranger may help you become to show your abilities to provide safety or showcase your positive attributes after showing others that you are dangerous and/or possess a lot of negative qualities. these things often disrupt their day-to-day life: natural disasters, divorces, health woes, etc. Love marriage astrology tells you whether you are likely to fall in love, or not, by studying, ascendant, lord of the ascendant, and Venus, and lastly the fifth and the seventh house. 6h: you may find you are rather particular about your routines. Education is the systematic process of giving and receiving knowledge which is meant to enlighten a person in a specific field. it may even be a struggle to start dating - they may be late to the dating realm or getting into a relationship compared to those around them. you may have a lot of dignity about your social status, making you a grateful person. i clearly would make a great philosophy major BUT my school doesnt have that. It is our hypotheses that some aspects occur with statistically significant high frequency, coinciding with we do have time for energy vampires around here! they may not be devoted to others after the others do something extremely kind to them. negative aspects: you may be seen as the person who betrayed someone in a higher position of power. jupiter is the husband - for people looking for a masculine partner. THAT IS NOT YOUR FAULT - THEM LEAVING IS NOT YOUR FAULT. practice active listening to others - you may be a realist while some one else is a dreamer, a healthy balance is somewhere in between. What to expect in the air: Saturn is still home in Aquarius here, the sense of revolution is becoming stronger within the community. @loonaticpoe they could indicate personality traits! they likely feel as though no one is there when they need someone. Tolstoys works are widely studied today and are the inspiration from for many socialists throughout history (Gandhi, Martin Luther King, Lenin, etc.). the sooner you report it, the more likely that justice can be served. they may not be the best at balancing their life and managing their time. Ferdinando Cancelli is a palliative care specialist. you likely are a bit too stuck in your mind to focus on the body language around you. Here are different positions of Venus and Jupiter that foretell different qualities: Presence in Aries means spouse is predicted to be confident, vibrant, commanding and respectful. she was very unlikely to have been sexually active before poseidon because she was a member of a virginal goddesss temple. you may be emotionally in tune with everything around you. you likely have a hyper-specific passion that drives your world. go get another hobby, you arent living other peoples lives so like what do you care - go hug a tree or something. Birth control helps to regulate hormones like estrogen and progesterone in your body. but i have the feeling that i will find someone to fill the role (constantia quintile venus and trine saturn). they likely have a harder time in school or learning something new, they may be the least likely to change things when they have found what works for them. Native may suffer from divorce or more than 1 marriage. we can talk at a later time. and walk away - anything that happens after that statement is not your fault you are okay and you spoke your mind and that is something to be proud of! go on a yoni or phalanx retreat. and a 4h stellium in the persona chart greatttt (he was just trying to herd his sheep). form strong harmonious aspects, are in prominent houses) in your natal chart, that can indicate fame in your lifetime. my advice for surviving this retrograde: take time away from social media. i know that the common observation is that the ruler of the 7h is located where you will met. :) this is where it gets fun for me because i cant take hormone birth control because it causes blood clots - hi, i already have that issue and lowkey want to keep living. the 8h is also slightly spiritual, so you may find that you are a devoted subject just like this gorgon in terms of a cause or being. on the flip side, it is okay to leave those who you feel dont make you a better person, who harm you, or alienate you! Health issues could arise upon you so claiming a lifestyle change you see serves you best is essential, so watch for your relationship with food. they may have a lot of responsibilities and work hard to reach their high expectations. depending on placement if may be someone you already know. there is likely nasty gossip surrounding your intentions - athena thought medusa was distracting people intentionally and that she lured poseidon into the temple to have sex with him as well. If you are already in a relationship, this is a time that if you dont mediate the situation, youll grapple to keep what already is there until it vanishes. having a busy mind like yours, like I said, causes your thoughts to be read by others in a nonverbal manner. i feel like thats a common trend for JUPITER retrograde people. i dont get to you quicker with an ask - i actually get to you slower. Below is a list of particularly important and indicative parts of the chart. negative aspects: you may be deceived easily by those you respect or those you initially view as harmless. On July 20th, 1969 Aldrin and Armstrong made the first moonwalk and became the first humans to set foot on another world. Free Astrology Calculator. they may lack a lot of motivation compared to others. This can be a time of great triumphs or great failure, take them as they come and stand through it and learn from your ambitions and how you want to be seen and known. if you have a retrograde in your chart, i have noticed that when that retrograde is in effect, life seems easier. but u haven't even mentioning in posts? i implore you to read the mercury aspects as well to see what resonates! Depending on the position of Jupiter in your horoscope, your marriage year can be predicted. where bella is for me and how it affects me personally: 8h in libra at 29 - bruh its not easy being this sexy. if you have been here for awhile you are likely starting to get the drift im knowledgable about a lot of stuff. 11h: you may find that you dont have a lot of close friends, rather you have a lot of people who you share space and common interests with. if you wanna know more about me or how i think while reading my own placements, by all means go for it ;). they may experience fertility issues. Cancer (Saturn in the 8th house transit) - Saturn brings its hardships and lessons into your life area of transformation, intimacy, power dynamics, soul bonds, taxes, death, debt, other peoples finances and assets. First, because we are in the relationship, it is difficult for us to view it from a 3rd party like the composite chart does. this could be backed by my aldrin quintile mercury and square saturn. negative aspects: your beauty may attract a bad kind of attention that cause you a lot of fear, anxiety, and/or trauma. 12h: you may have a rather memorable death. this could be an area in which you are insecure - feeling as though you need to be achieving things to be loved. It's where your interests connect you with your people. ellie-mae-astrology: * Jupiter conjunct/Trine/Sextile venus * Jupiter in the 7th * Saturn 1st house . pluslets not forgetorbs matter, dominance matters, etc. The epic recounts a tale in which Telemachus searches for his father, Odysseus. where dostoevsky is for me and how it affects me personally: 5h in cancer at 14 - bruh i vibe with fyodor. if you have no interest in the history, look for bolded statements to avoid all the reading lol. its hyper specific but makes sense when you read the myth. reach out to someone youve not spoken to in a while. she didnt give up; she did what she could in the moments leading up to her rape. Its important to remember though that it may not be easy for us to personally understand or relate to the composite chart between us and others. where constantia is for me and how it affects me personally: 7h in virgo at 29 - give me loyalty or give me death (constantia conjunct mars - courtesy of my abandonment issues). It can also be a time where you stray far from what it is youre passionate about, making it harder to tune into and tap into self expressionism and the inner child. opening the mail? Physically, watch for issues with the heart and spine. my advice for surviving this retrograde: try something new and different from your norm. you may forget in moments of solitude, your physical changes and feel more like yourself again. Venus - significator of wife. In ths aspect, Juno is similar to Venus and Libra. you guys can (couldve) fix (fixed) things if they stay, you guys cant fix things if they arent there. i implore you to read the venus aspects to see what resonates! examples: part two of retrogrades?, can you do a circe signs, degrees, houses, and aspects post?, 25 more random asteroids not related to mythology?, synastry for the aphrodite asteroids?, etc. MARS: retrograde occurs roughly every two years for around two to three months. please use my ask me anything button if you want to see a specific asteroid god/goddess next! they may daydream or use substances frequently to help escape from their reality. Your horoscope indicates right . get STD/STI testing. (Mostly Surgeons) Venus in 10th is good for a doctor studying medicine. These couples are attracted to each other instantly. King Actor reigned during the time in which Peleus was exiled by his father. House of the Sun: the house of the sun can show where the heart of the relationship lies. creating your own shorthand when writing notes. Hey guys so my job has been cutting hours a lot and I need to be able to pay my bills. Gemini (Saturn in the 9th house transit) - Saturn brings its hardships and lessons mostly into your life through higher education, religion, spiritual journies, long distance travel, views of the world and philosophies. Physical changes are possible, weight loss and signs of aging may start to appear more on you. You will get to know whether love marriage or arrange marriage is good for you. something may be modeled after you that is rather permanent - medusas face is often featured on shields. my answer: intuition and experience with other peoples charts that i have available to me. so its forensic (pluto) psychology (chiron) and english (venus + venus ruled degree) for my educational pursuit. so have no fear if you feel doubt; tell yourself its because if you didnt have those moments, youd be unstoppable/inhuman. its a bit much, yes? me. a feminine figure in your life may betray you in the worse way possible. paper cut. i can be very frustrating to deal with when i am talking about religion because of being agnostic i can see the pros and cons - i am not afraid to tell others where i think a religious sect has a flaw. my thoughts, moon-saturn aspects and negative venus-saturn aspects (tw), sag sun, leo moon, cap rising - sun square moon, moon and venus negatively aspecting pluto. Self confidence can soar or plummet depending on how you handle what youre going through. Virgo (Saturn in the 6th house transit) - Saturn is bringing its hardships and lessons into your life through your work life, health, daily routine, exercise, and pets. working on the computer? scorpio (8, 20): you likely shield your emotions and passions from others, preferring to look stoic over emotional. any creature comfort zones that involve you entering the space of another woman may be your thing - you may personally have experience in settings like those and wish to give back. im sure we have all noticed my taste in art and the tendencies of the color palette as well - i love a classic look. Open room for alone time. Many thanks for your help!! and that is being a human. these people may have a hated or fear of swimming due to past experiences where they nearly drowned or did drown. Aries (Saturn in the 11th house transit) - Saturn brings its hardships and lessons mostly on your connections, friendships, hopes and aspirations. Fertility and growth are the fundamentals of a successful relationship. MERCURY: retrograde occurs three or four times a year for around three weeks. you may be viewed as incredibly charming and graceful. It is not necessary that the house placement of 7th ruler must always indicate the environment or how you meet them. spend time with the women you trust and feel safest with. lmao but for real i feel like i am getting prettier with age if that makes sense? PLUTO retrograde people may experience a lot or very minimal death and change in their life - during this retrograde you may experience a death or life-changing event. let someone know when something hurts your feelings or bothers you - dont just walk away or brush it off. they may be haunted by their past. If youre in school this could be a graduation into a harsher reality, standardized testing, or grades slipping through, and sleepless nights trying to muster up the words you want to say to express the thoughts running through your mind. yea, im convinced that im going to meet my romantic partner in business-like setting - its all too earthy to be anything else (PUT THE MONEY IN THE BAG). negative aspects: you could resonate with medusas fall from grace with athena - you too may understand what it is like to be punished for something you didnt do. keep a dream journal. She spent many years studying crystallography. negative aspects: a feminine may be jealous or even paranoid over your presents around them. IN MY OPINION Aldrin represents a) where you can be seen as important or the best of the best, b) where you may be a pioneer, c) where you have a lot of new evolutionary ideas, and/or d) where you are the second to do something that has never been done before. change is good. you may find that you too gain a lot of praise and attention when you do things for others or put their needs first. you know whos good at that? someones gotta acknowledge it, right? Peleus arrived in Phthia in search of absolution for having killed his stepbrother, Phocus. anything that is retrograded in your chart can indirectly affect you OR the aspect of the planet or asteroid takes longer to develop. and last but not least, fatherly turmoil - it is highly likely there are a lot of issues surrounding a relationship between this person and their father. Mona Lisa and The Last Supper. See a recent post on Tumblr from @courtcaseastro about marriage-astrology. Astrology Marriage Prediction can help you identify how compatible you will with your prospective future life partner. what if told you my vertex is in the 7h at 22,my DSC is in virgo, my adonis is in 7h, orpheus is in my 7h, etc. be careful with makeup use - you may find that it shocks others and even yourself and can be dangerous for those who struggle with dysmorphia. this is just a starting place for when examining a single asteroid in an entire galaxy. Default. People with Pluto in the 12th may dread or even fear going to the hospital. you may find where you devote a lot of time and emotional energy that you are often quickly dismissed and punished after one misstep similar to medusa. get a planner and set a date to prepare for the week ahead. others may find your temperament to be belligerent - you may take your emotions out on the undeserving. on the plus side, you may have really nice hair, a stunning face, and piercing eyes. travel, eat something youve never tried before, pick a new aesthetic, change up your look! medusa used her logic to escape poseidon on the beach and she logistically explained to others how they could better worship athena. If minor asteroids in your chart do not form conjunctions or very tight aspects with larger, more prominent placements in your chart, generally speaking, you can ignore them. you enjoy being the best at everything you do. cleanse your space, declutter, and go through old contacts/following list it is time to remove the things that no longer serve you. if yes, keep and continue to use the object or talk with the person as you get used to them being in your life again. the 5h with a venus ruled degree is well deserved for this authors placement in my chart (i tend to look at the placement of creatives as though it is telling me that i would or do like the creatives work - you could look at any writers asteroid like that including byron who we talked about in this post). #Marriage astrology on Tumblr Latest Top cosmicpuzzle Follow 7th Ruler and Meeting Spouse So on request from one of my follower, I decided to make this post. You can bear the fruits of your labor through patience, becoming an enigma through soul revolution. The balance of day and night is what keeps the earth fertile. He is thought to be the greatest of his time in fact he was nominated for many awards but sadly he never won any of them. You might not have been or be in a relationship with them for long enough to fully see all the dynamics in action. The composite chart for Beyonc and Jay-Z for example is extremely 1st house-heavy, with the moon, Pluto, Jupiter, sun, and Mercury all within the 1st house. you may find that you have something to prove - it is often to someone bigger than those around you and that is yourself. Nakshatra in which you are born depends on the conjunction between planets and constellation at the time of your birth. mercury-saturn and/or jupiter-saturn; its giving til death do we part vibes also saturn is fidelity so these two aspects are good indicators that the proposal with be that of long-term commitment. if i have told the myth, i guarantee its on one of them. Marriage Horoscope Predictions let you know, Your prospective life partner Favourable periods for your marriage General nature of your married life Predictions on children Your Doshas affecting marriage Yogas influencing your married life Remedies to Doshas Fill the form below to get Marriage Horoscope Average rating: 4.9 chiron retrograde people may not realize they are suffering until it is too late. MARS retrograde people are people that not as assertive as the rest of those around them. growing up is rough but hey we all do it and time waits for no human - walk before the universe shoves you along unwillingly. i encourage you to look into the aspects of eucharis along with the sign, degree, and house placement. * Venus in 7th/9th mercury (gemini or virgo) ruled 7h - no, i wouldnt count degrees in this. moments like athena disapproving of her and her getting angry then finding her way back to athena, may be familiar to you. so you too may be in a group that is women-only or worship related. Treating others with respect is essential. Named after the goddess of marriage and protector of women, this asteroid's placement in your birth chart explains what you look for in a partner, aka what makes you want to commit for the long. they likely feel apart from the world - whether by choice or otherwise is the question. they may feel as though the pace of their life is uncomfortable for them. SATURN retrograde people likely had to grow up very quickly - during this retrograde you may need to be more mature. i implore you to read the sun aspects to see what resonates! sure thing, lets talk about it! after all, you like medusa may not realize you worship your greatest hidden enemy on the opposite end and a brighter note, you may symbolize safety for others - you may find yourself housing/helping people who experience injustices. DNA also sextiles sun so i suspect i will live awhile but only if i remain active. This is a time where youre learning what it takes to truly make a life for yourself and establish a routine that better serves you. When Telemachus shipwrecks on Ogygia (Calypsos island), he meets the nymph, Eucharis. You may experience a reconstruction of your social circle, tightening up the standards of who you call a friend is essential so you dont find yourself being used for your resources, so struggling to create new friendships and finding yourself isolated is common during this time. if youd like my input on your placements/aspects of these asteroids feel free to comment them or dm me! thank you in advance. medusa didnt feel like everyone was there for her - she thought everyone was simply there for athena. Becoming a responsible financial figure can feel like a burden at times, having to scrape and be frugal is essential. lastly, you may have someone in your life you feel hates you. whos freakier the virgo sun or virgo mars? The Moon: in the composite chart, the moon is associated with sensitivity and the level of comfort in a relationship. you should realize that monsters are just misunderstood, unique people - there lies a healthy balance in believing you are a god or a monster. BUT when I am in a leadership role everything gets done like a well oiled machine. * Moon 1st/2nd/7th/8th this would be something youd do - everything you do is with thought and purpose. this is all a means to let out extra nervous energy. i recognize that you disagree. DNA is inherited from your ancestors and provides the framework for your health. medusa-algol: positive aspects: you may feel as though someone you dont know shows you a sign of mercy from the universe. thats a lot, right? medusa-mercury: you may feel safest in educational settings, libraries, gossiping around those you know, and/or traveling, but these situations may cause you danger. social media fits me well and i love to talk with you all about this stuff. Relative dates and coordinates. Placement of Venus and Rahu in 6th and 11th house gives inter caste marriage. be reasonable with your views - its okay if others do not agree with you. need an essay edited? try to remove yourself from drama, you wont be letting anyone down by doing so. play a card game. and feel free to skip over my reflections on my placements, i provided them because of how kissessinthe worded their question. negative aspects: you could be despised for your looks and find yourself punished/ostracized by the one who despises them the most - others may fear/avoid you after this. Sometimes, the house location of Venus or Jupiter can work. Ascendant conjunct Venus - I had this aspect with an ex - my Venus conjunct his Ascendant. they may also experience paranoia or social anxiety worrying about what others think and feel towards them. you too may have methodical habits in your work life - maybe it is particularly times you check for updates or how you go about responding to emails. this placement may have issues with men - whether it is masculinity, a father, or men, in general, is up for grabs. IN MY OPINION Cancelli shows a) how people care for you when you are sick or when you are near death and/or b) who the best person is to take care of you when sick. you likely surround yourself with a lot of feminine power - uniting for a common goal: to preach and/or protect!