How are these idiots not dumping it when tagged for random anyway?? I'm a Flight Attendant for a major US Carrier and I've known of a few that have had privileges suspended for a year and of one who had her privileges permanently revoked. 0000001462 00000 n In any event, I really enjoy reading your articles. Boohoo. I need to hurry up to get to the plane all while not getting paid for it until that boarding door closes. Actually, I've seen the pre- check line longer than the general boarding line! These include cultural goods, wild fauna and flora and products derived from these, vegetables and plant products, weapons and ammunition, medicines, tobacco and alcoholic beverages. It also has warned that such violations could jeopardize the entire Known Crew Member program. lap-top computers, camcorders, when carried by passengers or crew for personal use. Just dump your item, go though screening, exit security and you are reset to try again. ALPA and the A4A met in late March 2011 with TSA Administrator John S. Pistole and received TSA approval to install and test Known Crewmember at as many as seven U.S. hub airports. Interesting comment, at my local airport, SEA, screening for airport employees is done by the Port of Seattle, on a lower level, NOT the TSA at the lanes that the traveling public uses. Well, at least for larger airports. That would solve the vast majority of the issues. I am a passenger and one day I saw how nasty attitude you get to tsa for random checks. Uniformed crewmembers are exempt from 3-1-1 restrictions. According to Aero Crew News, in 2023 the Known Crewmember Program (KCM) will be replaced by a new program branded as Expedited Crew Access (ECA). Secondly, its rather disturbing that TSA agents have very little oversight in regards to entering secure areas with bags, purses, etc. Don't have an account? Imagine having to go through security and adding extra unpaid time to your job every time you went to work. Stay connected with the latest travel, aviation, and credit card news. and when people are searched - which IS part of the security screening process - then there is a legitimate NECESSITY to escalate something that is illegally found to the appropriate law enforcement authorities. 2023 KNOWN CREWMEMBER. Worrying about wait times and passenger volume is what our management is for. Unaccompanied Baggage. I'm a TSA officer and I'm glad KCM is ending. Only authorized crewmembers approved by the KCM system may enter the airport sterile area through a KCM access point. Also a lot of airports, like Ohare, dont require ground crew to go through security check points. A:Airlines for America (A4A) has received some reports of crewmembers experiencing technical difficulties while trying to activate a KCM account or register a KCM barcode card on themykcmsupport.comwebsite.. Crewmembers that experience technical difficulties while either activating an account or registering a KCM barcode card should contact the KCM service provider directly All air carrier employees are subject to TSA screening practices conducted within sterile areas, which include roving screening teams and/or random gate screening. While prohibited and restricted items may sound the same, there is an actual difference - prohibited items must never be sent in the post, while restricted items may be sent in the post, but restrictions will apply. The perpetrator will gain access without a doubt because they're never checked as they walk in. Punish those that broke the rule. 2,056 Sq. Contact Dont worry though, youll be back groping children in no time. As a 30 year career airline pilot, I have a vested interest in protecting my career, so do all of the other pilots I fly with taking security seriously. A flight attendant, also known as steward / stewardess or air host / air hostess, is a member of the aircrew aboard commercial flights, many business jets and some government aircraft. The majority of flight attendants and pilots follow the rules. They are not the DEA and yet they end up finding ridiculous amounts of drugs usually because some idiot left a water bottle in the bag. 0000057216 00000 n Like other airline workers dont use a SIDA badge and go through another entrance. Pilots have a lot more to lose (significant investment in their career, inability to easily switch to a different field with similar compensation, licenses, etc) than flight attendants do. Let the hate flow through you. You are barking up the wrong tree and won't win your argument by saying that any part fo society should ignore illegal activity because it might inconvenience you. That volume won't come back to the regular checkpoints. Maybe the airlines should consider Spandex! There's too many crewmembers to have them all go through pre-check. The fact that some flight attendants may feel differently does not change reality. The transportation of such items is restricted and governed by the Civil Aviation Regulations. And TSA doesn't enforce mask mandates anymore, and when they did it was because they had to follow the directive of The And TSA doesn't enforce mask mandates anymore, and when they did it was because they had to follow the directive of The federal government. They are a clueless bunch of goons. must be screened at the passenger-screening checkpoint. Once you receive the barcode card, follow the instructions on the back to register it into the KCM system. Your feedback is important in helping us keep our community safe. You've been intentionally disrupting things for years. KCM provides crewmembers with an alternative entry point into airport sterile areas, which may be separate from the passenger security-screening lanes. Then go deal with management messaging and calling asking why your late to the gate because you got a random search and your flight is 3 terminals away. 0000008870 00000 n Life boats are located on Deck 8. I think the KCM program is complete bullshit. And, while doom and gloom regarding the future might be reality, there is a good chance that it will be nowhere near as bad as some try to paint it. So it does happen..not a fishy story. And several times I have seen PILOTS attempting to bring their family members through KCM and then throw a hissy fit when theyre told no. It aint gonna happen. @CHRIS , whoa there boyfriend. Once you arrive at the boarding gate and your pass has not been properly marked by the TSA, you will be sent back to the passenger screening checkpoint for proper screening. What an absolute joke that anyone thinks there is any benefit at all to safety to screen pilots at TSA checkpoints. Every actual crew member reading this comment section knows you made that up. Crewmembers may use KCM access points in or out of uniform in accordance with the identification requirements above. Nobody is throwing away a pilot career for smuggling. It gets Americans used to standing in line while goons grope you - welcome to our increasing police state. 31 years as an airline pilot and seven years naval aviator. To the direct and accurate comment that newly minted Flight Attendants who don't have much of a career to lose and much to gain from smuggling..I say if the resources are low then allow KCM for pilots only. Ive definitely noticed an increase in random screenings over the last several months. The SF system randomly selects individuals to undergo selectee screening and will identify the printed boarding pass or seat request card with a SSSS. Now there's a delayairline management won't like that idea. Pilots were the ones most often caught with a firearm in their bag. This whole system is a mess now and its not only hurting crew members, but it will hurt passengers that have paid for TSA pre check to now have to wait for countless crews to go ahead of them. Yet they pay, through their time and treasure, for the billion searches performed in search of contraband and weapons. Yes, I flew this week. Crew members who miss the ship should contact the ship's Agent who will be at the port (the address and phone number are always in the Princess Patter, a daily newsletter for our guests). KCM is a privilege, not a right. Crewmembers will no longer be permitted to manually enter their KCM data. So, what is even closer scrutiny Crewmembers are subject to a federal background check and fingerprinting as a result of 9/11. So, like with just about everything else good, a few ruin it for the majority. You have basic first aid. KCM privileges will be suspended immediately when TSA initiates its investigation into a disqualifying violation of a transportation security requirement. But of course, they would have to pay them more. It would make better sense to just have a baggage scanner at each KCM checkpoint but eliminate the need to X-ray scan our bodies. Known Crew Members (KCM) Lanes KCM ties airline employee databases together in a seamless way and enables Transportation Security Administration (TSA) security officers to positively verify the identity and employment status of crew members. IATA - Personalised Passport, Visa & Health travel documentation advice I just assumed thats how it works pretty much everywhere. They just walk all the way inside the secured area without being challenged or ID/Badge checked. The continued success of the program is dependent upon crewmembers demonstrating that they can be trusted to comply with all related requirements. Do not go through KCM. Pilots are not, and haven't been the problem. If they increased the requirements - say you have to have a 2 year degree -- an EMT license, etc. How many pounds of illegal drugs have TSA agents detected and confiscated since their inception? Just because you hate your life and job doesnt mean everybody else does. ice axes and ice picks. Drug interdiction isn't TSA's job and they know it. If the crewmember iswearinga uniform, the crewmember must present a KCM barcode card and a non-expired: Aircraft operator-issued crewmember photo ID or National Air Transport Association ID. NOTE: If the selected crewmember exits the sterile area and attempts to reenter through a KCM access point during this time period, they will continue to be identified for USP. As a Flight Attendant I support keeping it for the pilots. FedEx Cross Border has prepared a global list of prohibited and restricted items that apply regardless of a shipment's destination. You dont have flight attendants so have no special procedures during flight. So much so, that I usually just go to security line. 0000000896 00000 n As for the flight attendant vs. pilot issue, the justification for including flight attendants was always that there simply was not enough volume to maintain KCM checkpoints just for pilots.