BECAUSE THEY WANT TO LOWER THE POPULATION FOR GATES/FUDGY!!! Who found magnetic contaminations in a few million doses of moderna Further delving into this information online she found that Hydra Vulgaris is seen as one of the 6 model organisms by the Human Genome Project and is being Because of Madejs connections to Sasha Stone and that group of new agers or whatever they are, I have misgivings about her. Transgenic Hydras and parasites induce humans to generate a new electrochemical signal by organizing enzymes spatially to create a programmable redox enzymatic cascade pathway, changing the predictable generation of electrochemical signals in humans. If you or I were injured, say our hands were cut off, theres a specific genetic program that is activated and is required to heal the wound, but the hand wouldnt grow back, says Juliano. Juliano and her colleagues have meticulously conducted a single-cell sequencing project on Hydra, defining the exact genes expressed in each cell type. Perhaps everything is sped up. There is so much information, if you want to keep up, it can really endanger your job, because you spend so much time with alternative media. Vector Biolabs offers an Adenovirus (AAV) expressing shRNA for the knockout (gene silencing) of Human SP5. Hydra vulgaris, freshwater cnidarians that look like miniature jellyfish polyps, expand and contract as they navigate their environments, but can also be prompted to do so by giving them a poke. You can cut little pieces out of the animal and it will regrow and maybe the most amazing thing is that you can dissociate the animal into single cells, mix them all up, put them back in a ball and a new Hydra will just grow out of it.. There is no evidence of hydras existing in any of the COVID-19 vaccines.". THE WOKE POKE IS TO KILL YOU & EVERYONE WHO TAKES IT! Ramola found an additional three people in the VAERS system, whose symptoms were labeled as Trypanosoma brucei. If you like my articles and the videos you find here and, if you can and feel like it, you can make a, Orwell City is not affiliated with La Quinta Columna, FINAL REPORT ON mRNA VACCINES BY DR. CAMPRA, Special Program on the technical report on the detection of graphene oxide in COVID vaccines, explained by Dr. Pablo Campra, La Quinta Columa informs on more antioxidants that degrade graphene oxide, La Quinta Columna on more antioxidants that help detoxify the body from graphene oxide, Preventive treatment with antioxidants for graphene oxide detoxification, Urgent Announcement: COVID-19 is caused by Graphene Oxide introduced by several ways into the body, La Quinta Columna: Analysis of vaccination vial confirms presence of graphene nanoparticles, Josep Pmies on how to detoxify the body with natural infusions. Dr. Jane Ruby again joined Stew Peters to give crucial commentary on Dr. Youngs findings. Read onHydra vulgaris, the fresh-water polyp, is a small animal freshwater hydroid with length from 10mm to 30mm and width about 1 mm. I hung on to that baggie of Britta specimens for years and often showed it to visiting friends, family, neighbors Skeptics, many of them, about conspiracy matters in general, but none of those who had seen the disturbing contents within that baggie could deny that what they were seeing was something out of a horror movie. That is of course if youre still able to reproduce at all after the jab. They are used to transfect humans. La Quinta Columna: Almost all foods are magnetic, are medicines magnetic too? There are no hydras included in the vaccine ingredients. MORE NEWS: Were Now Up To 33 Assistance Packages For Ukraine [VIDEO]. These may seem to be advantages, but it is not natural. So if Tom is vaxxed & procreates with Jane & they have a child, that child is not human? Right. A Stanford study reveals that the Lentivirus is a genus of retroviruses that cause chronic and deadly diseases characterized by long incubation periods, in humans. Epithelial cells are stem cell lineages responsible for cell signaling. Dont worry, youll be happy owning nothing so long as they get your dopamine levels worked out. For humans, its a fantasy pulled from science fiction, but for the Hydra (Hydra vulgaris), a small freshwater invertebrate, its a reality. Hydra arevirtually immortal in a lab environment. Electrodes attached to gold programmable nano robots transfect human cells, silencing your innate God-given genetic sequences and code your cells to reproduce the synthetic genetic sequence of the chimeric spike protein (Lentivirus), indefinitely. Good point in fact those who have followed this closely realize they are using about 12 different versions of the same jab. I have many videos and photos to share. They are gene silencing turning off certain genetics which they dont want in a human & programming & encoding new genetics which they do want there. And I can tell you that each vial is a little different. This will enable corrupt governments and tech giants to control us, without us being aware of it. by Leon Gettler - December 9, 2012 - The tiny freshwater polyp Hydra is a remarkable creature. You can subscribe to our print edition, ad-free app or electronic newspaper replica here. While the Covid-19 serums appear on the surface to be an only clear liquid, under microscopy you can visibly see all the many components of the computer-interface operating system, which is a biological weapons system for the cloning and extermination of the human race. They are genetically modified in a lab in the University of Kiev.They are transfected. Stew I need an email address for you. Apostrophes dont make plural words. Versions of the claim suggest that the hydras are immortal and can infect the human body. The Hydra vulgaris species is named in many of the posts. HI MY NAME IS HYDRA VULGARIS IM IN THE VACCINE, reads one Instagram meme that has received more than 3,500 likes since Oct. 16. Graphene Oxide sheets are able to slice open every cell membrane of the human body within 15 minutes after inoculation, according to Dr. Robert Martin. Ramola says this points to an awareness within the medical community that there are parasites in the vaxx. This demonstrates the anti-human mindset of eugenicists who want to clone the entire human race. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Ergo, it must be deliberate, there is no other rational explanation! The molecular details of the interactions were determined from crystal structures of Hy-Bcl-2-4 complexes with BH3 motif peptides of Hy-Bak1 and Hy-Bax. Almost three centuries later, this animals amazing capabilities remain a mystery. Yes, and it seems that it is not particularly harmful to humans. MORE NEWS: Fetterman Hasnt Been Seen For Weeks, Now The Dems Are Down A Second Senator 49-49. Havent seen it out yet. I write reviews and subtitle videos in English and Spanish directly related to the Orwellian times we're living nowadays. Microinjection of Retrovirus transgenes (Lentivirus & Luciferase) integrate randomly into the genome which poses enormous risks for the vaxxed as well as their hybrid offspring. What they dont tell you is when the blood supply was infected with AIDS and hepatitis C they purified it by adding chlorine dioxide also it kills E-coli they spray meat, chicken, vegetables with it. Hydra vulgaris, which can grow to about an inch in size, is adapted to living in lakes and ponds. Hydra Vulgaris transgenesis technology was developed over the last 30 years. This is the process of transferring genes and organisms from one species to another which creates a new cloned species. The Human Genome Project began in the year 2,000. Hydras are used in the human genome assembly for gene silencing of humans. We are under a biological attack. It appeared a little different, so I took a closer look. Hydra arevirtually immortal in a lab environment. And it is on purpose. This table lists common Lentiviral envelope and packaging plasmids that can be used with 2nd and 3rd generation lentivirus technologies. All members of Congress These parasites are transmissible by blood and organ donation and they cause incurable Chagas disease. They are used to transfect humans. They are trying to separate us from God. Humans are Gods creation and Satan hates us. Their unique abilities make them ideal for studies in healing and aging. Hydra are there to create hybrid human beings. If you like my articles and the videos you find here and, if you can and feel like it, you can make asmall donation. They feed by extending their tentacles and waiting for food to touch the tentacles. There are so many errors in this. Dr. Love: The VAXXED SHOULD NOT HAVE CHILDRENDr. These are known severe symptoms of early-stage Chagas disease. OK VIEW IS BETTER.. Look into US Air Force and Navy Chem Trails.. KJP Cant Even Get Norfolk Southern Right [VIDEO], 78th Annual Meeting of Association of American Physicians and Surgeons, George Soros Son Positioned To Do Double The Damage His Father Did [VIDEO], J6 Tapes: Theyve Been Lying To You Tucker Carlson [VIDEO]. In reality, the natural life span of these animals is very short because they are surrounded by predators and will experience difficult environmental conditions, said Jones. realize they are using about 12 different versions of the same jab. It is the combination of the most deadly gain of function bioweapons ever created and that is SARS, MERS, HIV 1-3, & SRV 1 (RSV?) MORE NEWS: Grown Men Twerking For Babies & Toddlers KJP Gets Triggered By A Governor Trying To Stop It. Our tiny relatives in the animal kingdom are making mammoth contributions to scientific research and helping us answer the biggest questions about life. As far as we can tell, it doesnt age or die, says Assistant Professor Celina Juliano, Department of Molecular and Cellular Biology. OUTRAGEOUS!! I don't know. Holstein lab investigated the repressing activity of HySp5 on the HyWnt3 promoter, performing Luciferase reporter assays in human HEK293T cells for DNA-binding and transplanting Hydra into humans by invading human tissues. This isn't good science. Also, Ivermectin is said to destroy all parasites in the body, so this might be the reason it seems to be helping those who have been va xxed. In industry it is useful as a bleaching agent for paper mills ( most of which used actual bleach destroying the environment) the effluent from CLO2 process is safe for animals and beneficial actually as it cleans the water supporting life. A 2017 Gain-Of-Function research project from Germany, demonstrates how RNA extraction and quantitative reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction or reverse genetics, is used to knockout and knockdown genes using Hydras and CRISPR/Cas9. Just wondering, how do you know this are you a parasitologist or some such? Laureano Bentez:Yes, I'd like to ask what she has seen in the vials. Poland, South Africa, Italy, and of course, Spain. What is said in this article HAS been proven many times over, by real doctors, scientists, and epidemiologists to say the least. This means youre not only externally traced 24/7 but youll also be externally controlled. ADDGene also offers a Lentiviral Envelope and Packaging Plasmids using transgenic Hydra. Interestingly, a primary drug used to treat infection with T. brucei is suramin, which has been touted in the health freedom community for much of 2021 as helpful in mitigating the effects of the vaxx and of the spike proteins being shed by the vaxxed. People get contaminations in their fish tanks, etc. It is through the NCBI EukaryoticGenomeAnnotationPipeline website an external database for monitoring & remotely controlling transgenic humans. Ramola D of The Everyday Concerned Citizen is new to me and I love the way she presents information and puts things together. The Hydra Vulgaris stays in a continuous state of renewal & hold within their genomic code biological immortality. Once inside the host cells cytoplasm, lipid-coated nanobots take the reverse transcriptase enzyme in the Lentivirus to produce DNA from the mRNA genome, the reverse of the usual pattern, thus retro. It is just not a pathogen of humans.". This is an induced condition known as PRION. Investigative Journalist Ramola D. provided us with further information about the parasites discovered by Dr. Young and did an expose in October. These organisms, which look like miniature, fleshy palm trees with swaying fronds of tentacles, boast stem cells that exist in a continuous state of renewal and seem to hold within their genomic code the key to biological immortality. This is a human cloning experiment as well as extermination. Parasites are also transfected with bacteria and used as transfection vectors for DNA binding and genetic sequencing in humans. All rights reserved. The European Unions 1.5 billion euro Graphene Flagship project developed graphene-based implants for future brain-computer interfaces. Over and over and over again. Hydra Vulgaris identified in Pfizer & Moderna Covid-19 serums. Do not take the jab due to its negative life altering effects on the human body. WebIn this study the acute and chronic toxicity of 10 drugs, commonly prescribed in the UK i.e. !..& that the evils of the Ingredients in these injections will be exposed & known by Every-One!! If you'd like to see them, I don't know how to show them here, though, I'm sorry, I don't have them, but I can send them to you later. If younderstood the scientific method, you would know you can not disprove this by null results. Curiously, before pitching it, hoping to find a microscope somewhere I pulled five or six specks, put them on a piece of paper towel, into a plastic baggie, and then clipped it with a magnet to the side of my refrigerator. It really comes down to what your definition of Pretty and Sure IS , now doesnt it?!!! As a result of these horrifying discoveries, I did my own research on Graphene Oxide Nanoparticles and Toxicity and wrote an article entitled Graphene Oxide The Vector For Covid-19 Democide. Its your choice to believe. Dr. Jane Ruby, a pharmaceutical researcher, gave vital commentary on Stew Peters Show about Dr. Zalewskis findings, emphasizing that the dormant Hydra eggs become very active when exposed to Graphite tape and heat. Proteins regulate gene expression. The Sixth International Workshop on DNA Nanotechnology was held August 2628, in 2017, in Beijing, China where the forum showcased the applications of self-assembled DNA nanostructures. incredbly useful information. Thinking it would help counteract the chemicals and ease my concerns, I bought a bunch of Britta water filters, along with a self-contained, half-gallon or so sized pitcher. Anyone who takes the jab is more than foolish & ignorant of the truth when you know the truth, you would NEVER get vaxxed; health & life are precious you might get the jab because of your job, but your health eventually may be so compromised that you cant work, or you may be dead. WebHydra vulgaris that had been fasted for 2 days are collected, rinsed several times in hydra medium, and collected after each rinse by pelleting at 200 g. Washed hydra are either Please consider donating to Orwell City if you can and feel like doing so. She continues disclosing that Hong Kong is ready to replace the American people with robots right now. And the two things that they're interested in are immortality, regeneration Well, three things. The patents also reveal that it was already known by Pfizer that the vaxxed would become super spreaders and transmit deadly pathogens to healthy individuals. When well-fed, they reproduce asexually by budding. The openly declared ingredients in Covid-19 serums should be enough to dissuade anybody from taking them. BioLaunch Mentorship and Career Readiness, Hydra and the Quest to Understand Immortality, $1.5 Million NSF Grant Will Help Make Hydra a Better Model for Studying Regeneration. Whilevaccine hesitancy remains an ongoing public health issue, claims have begun circulating on social media that the COVID-19 vaccine contains living creatures called hydras small, tentacled, freshwater animals. In this program, she answered several questions about transhumanism and what she has found in the vials she has analyzed. Their scientific findings were published in 2013. A Knockout vector system (adenovirus) for knocking down the expression of particular genes (gene silencing), is being marketed online and sold by Vector Builder. Do you understand what this means? Muscle activity map in Hydra gives insight", "Researchers map full-body muscular activity of Hydra during movement",, Articles containing potentially dated statements from 2021, All articles containing potentially dated statements, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 28 February 2022, at 02:21. And this is exactly what Belgian researcher Paul Brien did in The transgenic Hydras are used to induce gene silencing predominantly targeting embryonic cells in the testes of men and the ovaries of women and also nerve cells. We have many things that we're seeing in these vials. H. vulgaris can also move by bending over, grabbing a surface with its tentacles, releasing its grip with its "foot" and flipping over itself. They are also targeting embryonic cells in the testes & ovaries. With that, however, I trashed the Britta and bought a Big Berkey filter instead. Since 2006, thousands of embryos have been microinjected and nearly 200 transgenic lines have been established in the Hydra Transgenic Facility. The video shows imagespurportedly depicting the organisms and other objects under a microscope. This isn't good medicine. Copyright The Regents of the University of California, Davis campus. Well done your being guided to not just trust anything thats where we all need to be at now the chemical trails above me are often present now I know what they are I had no idear before very glad we have forbidden knowledge keeping us informed . ASAP!!! They're not the same. This uses the chimeric E. coli bacteria and Lentivirus. ! Forgive us Lord!! The egg forms a chitinous exoskeleton and waits for favorable conditions before the organism will emerge. If you continue to take boosters, this will be your new friend inside of you, the post was captioned. Eternal life. Brain implants can erase memories and implant new, artificial memories and while Graphene Oxide can hear your brain whisper. Ive been looking into it and youve convinced me I need to give it a try. T. brucei is protozoan related to T. cruzi from Africa that causes sleeping sickness in humans. Thanks for telling us . Doctor: Hydras and Parasites in Vax, Transfecting Humans into New SpeciesOct 27 I reveal how humanity is being saturated with Graphene Oxide Nanoparticles in a myriad of ways. Get connected, join our Community of Patriots. You can find that study by searching. The Hydra genome assembly offers a Nano DNA kit called Illumina. With the help of model organisms, theyll reveal the causes of disease and illuminate potential paths to treatment and prevention. Further, a hydra could not survive inside the vaccine or a human body. Get the latest news and take the ride with us as we fight false narratives against conservatives and help move the America First agenda forward. The good doctor also identified parasites in the vials. Based on our research, we rate FALSE the claim that the COVID-19 vaccine contains a hydra species that can infect a human host. Ow!! Hydra regeneration was noted in 1744 by naturalist Abraham Trembley. Almost three centuries later, this animals amazing Carrie Madejwho says she observed hydra-like objects or organisms in samples of a COVID-19 vaccine. They feed by extending their tentacles and waiting for food to touch the tentacles. When we had the outbreak of viruses anthrax and COVID they sprayed the areas with chlorine dioxide which is a actually a gas mixed in water. My comment is a question: The Biden administration has not mandated COVID-19 vaccines for White House staff though every official has been offered one, By subscribing, you agree to receive emails from Red Voice Media, occasional offers from our partners and that you've read and agree to our, What's In the Vaxx? This is why they try to scare us away from it. Love, ND, is a former Pfizer employee and current analyst for the pharmaceutical and medical device industries. Its like a Sci-Fi horror movie. Hydra Vulgaris transgenesis technology was developed over the last 30 years. The Lentivirus contains a combination of HIV types 1-3, SRV-1/AIDS, MERS, and SARS. Thats why I am furious when people dont make an effort to try to be concise. "Mortality patterns suggest lack of senescence in hydra. Someone please edit this article and tell whoever wrote it to learn how to make words plural. Love your channel 2023 USA TODAY, a division of Gannett Satellite Information Network, LLC. This is Downright SCARY!! I also wrote an article on protocols for detoxifying Graphene Oxide from your body, here. [7][8][9][10], This species can reproduce in three ways: sexual reproduction, budding, and indirectly through regeneration.[11]. The red blood cells are dangerously deformed and coagulated, things she says shes never seen before in her 15 years as a blood doctor. Moderna and Johnson & Johnson did not immediately return requests for comment. No more PCR nasal probes gathering DNA to continue this vicious assault. If you survive the after effects of the jab you may have hybrid offspring if it doesnt make you sterile. And this is not just me saying this. Hydrascould not survive in a vaccine, nor inside the human body, Jones said. College of Biological Sciences 202 Green Hall They also figured out a way to get the cells signaling to match & to harmonise (cantoning signaling), so that the humans become a new genetically modified organism.Hydras are single celled organisms. Juliano hopes to solve some of those lingering questions and further establish the Hydra as a model organism for regenerative research. In fact, Biotechs chimeric operating system establishes a new neural network in humans and an artificial brain by re-directing endogenous neural stem cells. While the cellular mechanisms aren't fully understood, Hydra vulgaris is remarkable because it does not seem to deteriorate with age the way most organisms do. Ramola dives deeper into the transhumanist potentials of Hydra vulgaris and other Cnidaria species and other interesting findings in this most thorough report Ive yet seen on the topic. Hydra are virtually immortal in a lab environment. Hydras use this kind of reproduction more often because it is easier and will create more hydras than other methods. Informed Consent has been waived and therefore people didnt know theyre being injected with smart devices and bioweapons. This evening I spent some time listening to parts of 2 videos, much of which is complex.These people who are creating the jabs are demonic & need to be eliminated, as do the ones promoting them.I will reference these videos. One tells of a woman who is a regular blood donor and that after her second vaccination, her blood donation tested positive for the Trypanosoma cruzi parasite, the same as what Dr Young found in the vaxx. Dr. Carrie Madej also disclosed in her latest interview on Stew Peters Show that the vaxxine operating system is building an artificial neural network in humans. If youre pretty sure its been disproven, please provide your source. It is a deadly protein explains Dr. McCullough. It is reported that they do not undergo senescence, making them biologically immortal[5] although this has been disputed. Did I mention it also destroys Glyphosate and has been used to reverse autism which is considered incurable by big medicine. They talk about Hydra, Hydra vulgaris, nanobots, graphene, and some structures that self-assemble once introduced after the vaccine. Further delving into this information online she found that Hydra Vulgaris is seen as one of the 6 model organisms by the Human Genome Project and is being studied at the University of Davis in the biology department at the level of gene sequences as illustrated here for its remarkable properties of regeneration and renewal and seeming The first is quite complex you can flick through & gain some idea of how we are to be controlled. This is how they are targeting the cell organelles of the nuclei. Luckily, donor organs and blood are now routinely screened for Chagas antibodies and thats how these were discovered. The These organisms, which look like miniature, fleshy palm trees with swaying fronds of tentacles, boast stem cells that exist in a continuous state of renewal and seem to hold within their genomic code the key to biological immortality. Hydra regeneration was noted in 1744 by naturalist Abraham Trembley. These are the most deadly Gain-Of-Function bioweapons ever developed, thanks to Fauci. HI MY NAME IS HYDRA VULGARIS IM IN THE VACCINE, reads one Instagram meme that has received more than 3,500 likessince Oct. 16. New Gene Decode & Dr. Northrup Discusses Detox For Vaccinated & Unvaccinated with Nicholas Veniamin information here, but to be able to carry out the whole detox protocol would be quite testing.What is in these jabs & what happens once it is in the body is a horror story. Im also pretty sure you wont hear about this on any Corporate Mainstream Media . The Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine does not contain any virus particles or living components, Keanna Ghazvini, a spokesperson for Pfizer, told USA TODAY in an email. So there are delivery substances looking like a hydrogel. This is the process of transferring genes and organisms from one species to another Dr. Love read through about 30 peer reviewed scientific journals & also the gain in function & loss in function research & reports that they were funded by the NIH, Fauci & DARPA open sourced documents. For more information, read our full The genome is encoded by plasmids called transfer plasmids, which can be modified to encode a wide range of gene products. They want to give this to Children 2 & up??!! WebThe regenerative ability of Hydra vulgaris was tested as potential biomarker for the development of a new eco-toxicological index. The notions when this all started that the vhackscene would keep people trapped in this samsara loop seems more evident by the day. 2023 Red Voice Media ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Thank you for contributing to a respectful and useful online dialogue. Shes then surprised to find its now becoming routine to screen all vaxxed patientswith heart issues for T. cruzi. Is the offspring human or only part human? Red Voice Media was created to share the truth of American politics, not just what mainstream media wants you to hear. She has an update for us on the now FOUR different kinds of parasite that have been imaged in the Pfizer and Moderna vials. Recently, American doctor and researcher Carrie Madej was present in the Spanish Twitch channel El Arconte. I discovered those in August of 2021. Orwell City is not affiliated with La Quinta Columna, this website is just an alternative news media, so if you want to contact the Spanish researchers, please refer to their official website and use the contact form they have there or send them a message to the e-mail address they have listed there. Now its clear there are additional poisonous and other horrors not being disclosed to the public by the Biotech pharma industry.