You are ready to play. Apples and oranges are such a great pair. What a feast for the eyes! Ive later learned that my memories are logged into my mind in pictures or snapshots. I loved to read as a childI really loved old poetry books I would find in antique shops while my mom would look for antique items that she was on the hunt for. I can visualize to this day seeing those pictures for the first time. As a child I loved books with fantasy, mystery and intrigue. The catch, though, is that I didnt like reading myself. Magical tales. I do remember looking at a book my parents had which had photos of old masterpiece paintings. They opened up the world! I still have a hardbound 3 volume from 1985. I remember sitting on the floor in my underwear flipping through the pages before I could read any of the text. But my all-time favourite of his roses so far is Ziggy (pictured above), a multicoloured rose with a golden apricot base and flecks of burgundy and strawberry-redyou can really create some fun designs with it. Dairy Queen, we all know your ice cream is mean. But I do have a very soft spot for poppies. Now that Im grown up, I have my own garden full of veggies and flowers along with an apple orchard and berry field. She mostly loved wandering around amongst the flowers and trees where she was truly inspired. Have been cataloguing them this past year and have 600 listed so far with many yet to go. Having said that, I love historical fiction. Love this interview and the work that you dothank-you for sharing it all! It truly fueled my imagination which is still going strong. It was such a simple time. I love how they were interactive and different, I think the books have helped shape me as someone who likes to think outside of the box, be a little different/quirky, follow your passions and interests and dont worry about the crowd. I loved the adventure, purity of heart and love story! We found it very rewarding selecting plants that would bring her joy and interest throughout the whole year. She also subscribed me to a Nancy Drew book club. The magical descriptions are what got me hooked! As a child, I remember being engulfed in the Laura Ingalls Wilder books imagining the woods and prairie settings along with the cabin interiors. My favorite books as a young girl were stories about animals. These small investigations have continued to fan my curiosity and love of learning into my retirement. As a child I loved riding my bike to the library. I use to tell her you could grow anything from out of a rock! Thank you for a lovely interview and insane photos! (To-the-point dry history books were my least favorite.) The main character is a mouse named Chrysanthemum, and its about embracing your own uniqueness. As I sit here in my warm, cozy home with 5 feet of snow outside and watching it continue to snow Ive been pulling out my gardening books and coffee table books seeking some inspiration and hope that Spring will arrive before I know it. My favorite series of books to read as a child was the adventure series The Boxcar Children. I read dozens of them! As a young child, I read every Little Golden Book I could get my hands on! As a child, I read a lot of series-little house on the prairie, babysitters club, etc -not sure how those stories shaped who I am however, Ive continued to be a voracious reader -mostly if cookbooks and any gardening book I can get my hands onwhich help me relax, dream, plan and reap heaps of delicious food and flowers! This is such a fun question to think about! The stories are full of creatures, nature and good always wins. My favorite books were about animals, farming and gracious living. I am a constant reader and love all kinds of stories but I wonder if these types of books honed my skills at seeing details in situations and projects. I hope to grow some of my own with your wonderful seeds and start something new for my children and grandchildren. My mom was an avid gardener and was always bringing home horticulture related magazines and catalogues that I saw as books. Thank you for asking! In short we all are given the option to choose our path and the direction we take with our lives. My Mom would make weekly trips to the public library. Her book looks like an artists dream! I see the pattern fantasy, mysterious woods and characters. Growing up in the 50s and 60s, I enjoyed various genres. Aside from a few old trees around the house, it was a clean slate. Now I look for strong female role models in everyday life. When I was in the 3rd grade our teacher read us Charlottes Web. I can hardly wait to see this new book, which sounds exquisite! Growing up the book I was most fascinated by was a Nat Geo book about China. Accurately drawn, portrayal of the engineered inter-workings my love of detail and creative inventions led me to become an architect and a farmer. Please note: If your comment doesnt show up right away, sit tight; we have a spam filter that requires we approve comments before they are published. I loved The Amazing Days of Abby Haze books! One that sticks with me now and has turned into a yearly reread is The Secret Garden! Reading leads to a world of exploration! As an adult, I was lucky enough to find and purchase a sweet, quaint early 1900s farmhouse and its my little girl dreams come true. The books I read the books that inspired me and pulled me into my hidden reading place were books of adventure and travel. I grew up loving everything about the land and the beauty it encompassed. As an adult, I continue to love stories of all kinds, and always take a book with me, wherever I go. Looking back, I wonder if this is the reason I cannot lie and in some cases can be brutally honest. My mother painted still lifes mostly with flowers, often collected from our fields. I hope the sometimes 100 plus summer degrees here in CA will not negatively affect them too much. I would also try painting the flowers in the catalog. Im thinking, wouldnt it be wonderful to have a cut flower business with my mother or grandmother or daughter? Copyright 2022 Xipixi | Privacy Policy | Terms & Conditions, Free shipping worldwide for purchases above $120, Copyright 2022 Xipixi | Privacy Policy |. Also , loved I spy books with my daughter which makes this offering fun. So dont be afraid to give cabbage a try. Gather your materials. Her interaction with staff was always positive. I read all the Nancy Drew books when I was young and loved each one. I think all things are so much more fun when you collaborate, its the perfect recipe for ideas to flow. I probably buy enough books to support the entire publishing industry, it started with anything about horses, especially artist illustrated. I was and still am fascinated about all fairies and little creatures that live in flowers and magical small acorns I guess I did not want to grow up, these days I am planting seeds of flowers, hoping some fairies will find their home in my garden. Sweet as can be, thats what you are to me. Yes, as a child I loved seek-and-find books. still love mysteries. We fell in love with New Zealand on our trip in 2015. :-). I later became a photographer very much inspired by those books. I know those stories shaped me! wanted to learn more about the farmer-florist movement in New Zealand. I guess I was destined to be a flower gardener. A couple years ago I dipped my toe into the world of flowers, and now they have cast their spell on me, and my life will never be quite the same again. As a photographer and flower lover embarking on our new flower farming adventure thanks to our Floret class, I can simply just stare at the pages of this book and the Floret books. Charlottes Web cracked me open when our teacher read it to my 3rd grade class. My students LOVED this rhyming game. And that includes catalogs!!! I would sit for hours living within the mysterious adventures of Nancy Drew. As an adult I know that reading all of those books increased my literacy skills. And dont dreamers grow the impossible, probably? The name of the book sounded enchanting to me, but the message had a even greater hold on me in the long run. Last year I planted a flower garden to capture that range of color. Whether youre a foodie looking for some fun new recipes to try or you just want to teach your kids about healthy eating, these 125 fun rhymes about food will have you singing and cooking in no time. Our neighbor was a childrens librarian and supplied my mom with all the most exceptional picture books in the 1940s. They were books about kids reading books, going on adventures, and solving problems! Throughout my childrens elementary years we read Frog and Toad, Magic School Bus and various books of exploring and learning always with a theme of humor woven through. I just started working with a wedding florist and am in love with flowers growers( not grocery store bouquets) flowers. I would love to give this book to my daughter who is taking the Master Gardener course. I couldnt wait to go to the library to rent the next copy! take the bad with the good. I think this is part of why I love growing flowers in being in the dirt. Misty of Chinoteague was a book I wanted to live in. Thank you for the wonderful interview and always the new ideas to get my creative juices flowing. My Mom also had magazines from her era which had beautiful pictures of Flowers to grow where we were located. Anyhow Zos farm looks like a fabulous place and her book is truly gorgeous with all of those phenomenal photographs. I still remember some of them and I still call my mother when I need a poetry reference and she can rattle one off. What an inquisitive and searching mind. Somehow, realizing the infinity of space and therefore endless possibilities out there, allows me to appreciate the beauty and intricate details of a petal, a grain of sand, or the bark of a tree. Today I aspire to the same adventurous goals of having a bit of no mans land (in my backyard!) Growing up, I adored the Little House series by Laura Ingalls Wilder. The Fox and the Hound was one of my favorites. Octopus, octopus, eight arms to hold you, Ill squeeze you tight until you turn blue. These books inspired my dream to live a simple life, caring for a piece of land, growing flowers and food, communing with nature; which has now become a reality for me. That describes me pretty well thanks to my moms literary influence. From making butter to growing vegetables, overcoming hardships and the importance of family. It shaped my perspective that everyones story is so intertwined with factors outside their control! And I will have beautiful flowers. A book worm for all things magical. I cannot bend over any more but sprinkle flower seeds then pray whatever God wants to grow, it grows. I got so lost in the Thoroughbred book series as a young reader because I had a wild passion for all things horses. Oh how I dreamed about having a garden like that! Millions of Cats another and all the little Golden Books. As an adult and educator, I have shared it with many others too. food that rhymes with alexis. Thank you for the inspiration and a trip down memory lane! Yes I graduated from high school snd went to a community college in my 40s I took lots of classes trying to find my passion I took lots of test to find I have no learning issues. Les dessins sont extraordinaires avec normment de dtails et les histoires nous transportaient dans la nature avec les animaux et les fleurs. This book captured the magic of sewing for me. The book is beautiful. Its just beautiful and inspiring much like Floret!. Well, we as songwriters are looking for singable words that sound good together in songs, The main factor we look at is how they sound when we say them or sing them, rather than just looking at how they look on a page and this is what sets us apart from other types of writers. I loved the babysitters club series! It was a mystery story that was solved by Rutgers, a bulldog, and his animal pals. Je me suis tout de suite inscrit une petite formation ds une ferme florale de ma rgion pour en savoir plus. I will be honest, there were so many books my Mom read to me as a child. I would take my book and go into isolation in the farthest corner of our apple orchard and climb my favorite tree. I loved to pick them, arrange, and give them to elderly people. Ended up majoring in physics, getting a Ph.D. in Materials Science, and doing aerospace materials research. I was an avid daydreamer as a kid and I guess the books I loved to read reflected that. is. However, my absolute favorite books as a child, were Better Homes and Garden magazines. Although my part of the country got off very lightly, the cyclone was very devastating for those in Northland and where Zoe lives on the East Coast. After those I enjoyed The Little House series and then Nancy Drew! I have all the floret books and look forward to getting Lost and found to add to my collection. My mother worked, and when she was home she was in her own world, so consequently we usually felt alone. Before I could read, I would definitely spend hours in the seek and find books. I loved anything about nature and animals growing up. The illustrations drew me in as I learned to read and through the ten volumes learned about Gods love for us for me! It wasnt until looking back for this comment that I realized how much they had shaped my life. My garden is a refuge, guided by color and textures that will survive our drought climate in California. This has changed me the most. I read every Nancy Drew book and moved to Agatha Christie as I got older. The photos in this book look so incredibly lush and beautiful. Now that Im an adult I feel myself drawn back towards that kind of lifestyle. Living in a city I had a huge passion and little access to real horses so these books, fiction and non fiction sated (somewhat) the yearnings of this love. The farm was originally her parents what a sad day, me being the only girl on a huge livestock farm dug up every possible place I could grow roses and other not so familiar flowers, I got my first job working at a Landscape and garden center and spent every paycheck making my parents home a place I wanted to come back to. Rhonda is a potter and makes the vessels, and mum is a great cook so she whips up a soulful meal for everyone. As a child, my favorite books were Dr. Seuss. My favorite books were Enid Blytons The Magic Faraway Tree and the Enchanted Wood. I learned that a book could feed the soul and take you on an adventure. My mom and I still talk about flowers almost every daythey have always been apart of our lives. If I had to pick just one type it would be romance. The Secret Gardenwas my favourite bookenchanting and healing gardens. Nancy Drew Mystery Books. I loved books filled with photographs of letters formed from the environment. As a child I fell in love with Black Beauty. My favorite book was The Boxcar Children, where young kids run away from a bad situation and find a boxcar to live in. I had a strange affinity for Pippi Longstocking. I knew this book was special to me, but as a child I didnt realize, or have the language to express how inspiring it truly was. Magic and nature how could they not be favorite things? Each evening was a new adventure. A kids book about dogs, cars and a search for the big dog party. 2023 One-stop shop for all of the best content from food to news and everything in between! The Giving Tree comes to mind. My favorite book as a child was The Best Nest about a bird family trying to find their perfect home. I can still see the section of library where I used to find the book as a kid. A wonderful memory I have is of my sixth grade teacher, Mrs. Stewart, reading The Call of the Wild by Jack London to our class everyday after recess. My mother had this fabulous early 1900s set of leather-books that she read so many great stories and poetry from and I still have them in my collection today, the artwork is stunning. :). I would pour over the pages and then head outside to try to locate real-life examples. My mom found an original copy of the book a few years ago and gave it to me for Christmas. I always dreamed about living in a treehouse and having endless areas to explore and ride my bike. It gave me a sense of wonder and made me want to explore the world around me. I just my daughter seeds from you for her garden! The books are illustrated so beautifully and the adventures are often a bit dark and mysterious but always end happily. Now I have never owned a horse, but have lived my life as an artist obsessed with plants. I suppose its reflected in a curious and analytical outlook as an adult. My kids adored the I Spy books. Goodness, The Velvet Room, Heidi, Anne of Green Gables, Beckys Christmas, I just cant pick a favourite, just like with flowers, so hard. I still have these books & will cherish them forever. As an adult my husband bought me Florets Flower books(2 of them) and now I cant wait to add to my collection. We need to see beauty in times like these. There was always work to do so reading wasnt focused upon except for our school work. Anything nature, that gave me a reason to go exploring. When I was young I read every Laura Ingalls Wilder book sometimes several times. Really there are so many books, but of the classics, Little Women was probably my favorite. It truly shaped my world view and it sounds as though you experience something similar working so closely with your parents on the flower farm. It was magical to immerse myself in these imaginative worlds of girls, families, situations so far from my own, and opened up my mind to ever expanding genres of reading. I love the wild beauty and romance of a great flower garden, but have struggled to create my own. As a young child, I loved the Mr Putter and Tabby books, about an old man and his old cat who loved tulips and roses and tea. I am a woman of 70 years. Privacy Policy, Click here for other lists of rhyming words, Avocado / adobado / amontillado / dorado / muscovado, Baloney / cannelloni / macaroni / minestrone / pepperoni / rigatoni / spumoni, Beans / greens / nectarines / sardines / tangerines, Blini / fettuccine / linguine/martini / panini / tortellini / zucchini, Brunch / Crunch n Munch / lunch / Nestles Crunch / punch, Burritos / Cheetos / Doritos / Fritos / taquitos / Tostitos, Candy cane / champagne / grain / romaine / sugar cane, Cannoli / guacamole / ravioli / stromboli, Chex mix / fish sticks / Hickory Sticks / Kix / Pixie Stix / Trix / Twix, Crme brle / curds and whey / fish fillet / Milky Way / parfait / pt/ puree / sorbet / souffle, Filet mignon / Grey Poupon / Parmesan / pecan / prawn, Lemon drop / lollipop / soda pop / Tootsie Pop. My incredible dad has been working hard, opening up road access, moving silt, and rebuilding broken fences and pipelines, wed be lost without him. I mean here it is the name of our flower farm and I go back to the foundation of that book many a time! This book looks dreamy!! Now, that I learned a lot about her life, the paintings and her great love for flowers and nature of this outstanding woman , I can say , that she gave me so much inspiration for my own way of live and my passion for gardening as a grown-up person. I do the same, my granddaughters love to pick my flowers and play in the garden. Every month I looked forward to a new issue which showcased countless photographs of nature that jumped off the pages. Its dreamy. I also loved Anne of Green Gables and Pipi Longstockings. kill. Reminds me of the pages of colorful flowers from your books and Zoes. Thank you for sharing this interview with us and making us better aware of the damage the storm caused. It was just so exciting to learn to read and I felt proud of myself. To this day, I find myself noticing colors, patterns, and textures within nature, and amongst animals and people to see hidden, and yet, conspicuous beauty. I spent many afternoons pouring over BusyTown, fascinated by the different careers and homes that were shown. They need entertainment and will create their own if you dont provide anywith hilariously terrifying results. Today, my goal is to always create a garden that brings peace and beauty to myself, my family and all those around me. My daddy would stand at the foot of my bed and recite his Rubicon verses. I love anything horse related (The Saddle Club, Thoroughbred, Black Beauty). Pells New Suit, with its gentle pictures of all the tasks a boy did to earn wool, have it spun and dyed, woven and made into a new outfit was wonderful. Many lessons to be learned in this wonderful series of books starting with The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe by C. S. Lewis. I absolutely loved a collection of books of National Geographic photos. My mother, a life long gardener, as was my grandmother, gave me the book. I loved books that contained stories and illustrations of animals and nature. What a great idea for a book. As with so many others, I find it hard to narrow down to a book that most interested me as a child. When I was young, I loved choose your own adventure books. It might be the thing to make me pause, slow down and savor. Now I learned 1st hand that the wanting & having had no relation to the responsibility and commitment. The little house on the prairie books and Beatrix potter were definite favorites but its hard to choose (epically when your a book worm!) Such a lovely post and what a beautiful interview! I still love the outdoors and have hobbies like beekeeping and gardening so it must have influenced me that way. I still love eye-spy pictures! the men and women have made for our county and to not take living here for granted. I loved choose your own adventure books! Harry Potter, Percy Jackson and the like. I read often now and have recently started reading more books about flowers. For me it symbolized gazing into something small and creating a world. Life lessons! I am excited about this new book. This has carried on through my adult years and theyre still my favorite books to read. We are just moving into a new build with a blank slate and cannot wait to get started. This could be a choose your own adventure, a mystery or a compelling novel. Alexis Skyy and Fetty Wap made their debut appearance tonight on Love and Hip Hop New York. Its no wonder I became a biologist and a Master Gardener in Illinois. As a child I loved Felicity from The American Girls collection as well as Black Beauty. When I think about it, I loved, and still love anything about nature. Im blessed and fortunate to be able to homeschool our children and I feel as though that curiosity and hunger for wonder was shaped from books like the chronicles of Narnia. Used in poems and poetry, songs, lyrics and music. So looking forward to getting a copy into my hands but also into the graceful, elegant hands of a college chum who could have collaborated with you on this entire adventure.. it mirrors her perfectly! My daughter loves seek & find books, this would be wonderful to look through together. It is titled Favorite Poems Old and New. It is a large collection of poetry and short essays Selected for Boys and Girls by Helen Ferris. As a child, the Anne books or classics like the Secret Garden and the Little Princess were enchanting to me. June 3, 2022 . Im a visual artist, a painter. Here's what rhymes with alexis. . :). While facts are great and necessary, helping connect them to the lives of my sixth grade students is a must. The Secret Garden, Harriet the Spy, & The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe. , for taking the time to share about what youve been up to and your beautiful new book with Floret readers. The love of growing things passed from generation to generation is amazing and beautiful! As I child, I read whatever I could find. I loved Robert Louis Stevenson poems, especially A childs garden of verses, and the land of counterpane! Then of Course there was Sherlock Holmes and the logic and way at looking at a situation with reason. And the other two had no idea what they were for. Learn how to start flowers from seed in this three-part video series. I am grateful to share this, it was a nice little trip down memory lane. If you disable this cookie, we will not be able to save your preferences. The best: Francie held the books close and hurried home, resisting the temptation to sit on the first stoop she came to, to start reading. Now, love to sit in the evenings and just look at the books with flowers and floral arrangements. As a child I quickly devoured all the young adult chapter books I could get my hands on. I just spent the last year of my life fighting cancer and while medicine saved my life, a realized dream to farm flowers saved my spirit. Eventually I read and wrote lots of poetry. I always grew flowers just because it is normal life for me. I loved being able to re-read each story and have a few different endings. So I have an avid love of reading, currently have six books on my nightstand and love of hanging out at the library. I think these genres taught me to develop my imagination and increased my own desire to create beauty in unlikely places :), as a child I was enchanted by the Flower Fairies of the Summer book. I had a book called The Secret Garden, that I was obsessed with. But my most favorite of the Dr Seuss boom was the Dictionary in Spanish and English. So much freedom to roam! I remember only one set of books from my childhood.The Little House on the Prairie book set. Books were my escape into rich worlds of other experiences as a child and I do not know how I learned to read before I started school. It sounds like I need this book! It influenced me to learn about and honor other times, other cultures, other stories and the enduring human desire to surround yourself with beauty. As a child I loved the Black Stallion. I loved reading fiction, which fueled my imagination. One was a journal , the other a book about a little person (wiplala was its name) that was a friend of the child/main person in book. Blue Willow by Doris Gates is a lovely tale of a migrant farm workers daughter who has one blue willow plate that she relishes. Vincent Van Gogh wrote Color itself speaks a language, you cannot live without it.. XO) And great interview and story Zoe! I loved to find old fairy tale books from the rare thrift stores back in the late 1950s. I hope they helped me with my love of the Lord. I loved Beatrix Potter little books with all the darling illustrations. She is 37 years old. native plants (awesome in arrangements!) What a beautiful book and post! My students and my children all mention this as a special memory. around her young heroine enchanted me and helped me articulate what I had long experienced about nature a source of solace, interest, and undying wonder. Playing in the woods with my sisters, acting out our own fairytales, are some of my favorite memories from childhood. Winnie the Pooh was also beloved. I always wanted to be brave and outgoing as Nancy Drew but alas thats not my personality but its okay! My mom is from Norway and growing up she would read us the Swedish author Elsa Beskow. Yes- I am older. I read everything I could including The Wind and the Willows and Winnie the Pooh and then as I got a little older it was James Herriots series about being an English country veterinarian that really became a favorite. It shaped me into liking vintage things and learning about them. Thanks for sharing you time with Zoe with us. I look for books to encourage me with words of kindness, like Pooh and empathy like Charlottes and with the natural nature that comes with horses. Now Im all about soaking up all the Gardening books I can get my hands on. Loved learning how others dealt with difficult lives, overcame obstacles and about this beautiful world. The hotel would have arrangements for the lobbies delivered weekly and working in catering I have seen fantastic arrangements at weddings, birthday and anniversary celebrations. She taught me how to be a fierce and loyal friend and to love with all of my heart. Ive always been an avid reader. The book changed my thoughts as a little girl, to make my moms garden less a place to pull weeds, and more a place where I could find my own bit of wonder and creativity. I felt drawn to the characters with their secrets and troubles, the beautifully strange darkness of the rainy days up on the Moor as described in the book, and mostly the dear old secret garden itself, with its creative powers of healing and health. I also really liked the Little House on the Prairie series, as I live in the same area Laura Ingalls did. I have always felt a deep connection to nature and animals. I was raised on a dairy farm and there were 8 children. I do battle with aphids, still havent solved my fungus riddle, and to my chagrin have not been able to save all of the characters in my kingdom. I loved the fact that she solved the mysteries without having to rely on boys for help. Lewis books I remember our teacher reading The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe to us each day my favorite part of the day. Now my favorite books are those about roses and flowers and gardening. Learn how your comment data is processed. I still love mysteries in all aspects of life! It motivated me to become a physician and work for health and human rights around the world.