Go to Mysten far. The Demon Portal has been opened and dark creatures are racing into your world, so it's up to you to find the Sword of Shadows and close the Portal once more. From one of the cracks you will discover the absolute zero spell). Take him to Aveyond and choose your reward-6 diamonds or dizzy doll. Give him 20 gold pennies and he will take you to the northern isle. Now we shall explore the desert area. to trigegr this quest you must have already been to the thieves cave sotuh of sedona. Now its time to explore new horizons. Heal up and save before you face Saurva, the fifth boss. The white lady roaming around is Indra, kill her to get Daenas soul. Enter the peninsula and refer the white arrow in the map to find your way to Sedona. He will give you the sludgemaster 2000 since you gave back Binis voice. Aveyond Studios on Discord Our Discord server has hundreds of active users. Then cross the long bridge and go up the ladder you first come across. (See screenshot below: That is the final room after which you confront Ahriman, so heal and save when you reach the Gate. So when I say go back by two screens it means that starting from the current area (screen) you go back to the previous area and then to the previous of this area through the passages you have followed. Mystery Manor: here rooms lead to other rooms. Cross the bridge, keep walking and exit through the passage. Kill the spiders and collect items/gold from the corpse. Faces will appear in message boxes when your characters talk in the game. The caves will lead you to other areas. Back in the church, enter the small room to your right and touch Rashnus soul to his statue. Open the chest there to find 3500 gold pennies. Dont fight it; you are not strong enough yet. Go to Veldarah, talk to the old woman who sold boat location spell. The chest in this area has a salmon. Walk up to the dead end with a chest. Aveyond 3-1: Lord of Twilight; Aveyond 3-2: Gates of Night; Aveyond 3-3: The Lost Orb; Aveyond 3-4: The Darkthrop Prophecy; Aveyond 4: Shadow of the Mist; Characters. mobile walkthrough. Collect you reward-either Mithril Rapier for pirate john/teijal or Red demon spell for Elini. Go to Aveyond and go downstairs to collect your reward. You will also find some other items in his shop. After the cutscene you will find your main character Rhen standing beside a narrow stream. Walk onwards and when the road branches out take the southern route. Visit Lord Gavins manor and you will be allowed to enter inside. Talk to the oracle and get the stronghold key from Eithera. Cross another bridge that you come across and walk up to the shrine. However I shall mention what you would get from all the chests in total from both the wilderness and the caves (this way you will enjoy the game and its dungeons without rigidly following the walkthrough)- 1 haunch, 20 gold pennies, 40 gold pennies, 10 wild berries, 1 apple, 25 gold pennies, 1 covey balm, 60 gold pennies, 1 quail egg and a black oak staff. Talk to the queen and observe the conversation. That way you will not only enjoy the game and its story but also will get to find everything you missed the first time when you played it. You can also buy pets and keep them in your manor (there are three pet shops in total, one in Halloween Hills, another in sedona and the last one will be talked about later). Enter the underground chambers to your right. Your father will give you some instructions. Cross the bridge and keep walking till you reach a ladder. Enter the door beside her and then again through the door thats in front. Exit the room using the door shown in the screenshot: Open the chest immediately beside you in that area. The gauss shield spell can be learnt by Lars and gives protection against strong enemy spells. 30) Who tried to assassinate the king-talk to the main thieve in blue robe in the thiefs cave. Use the torch to melt the frozen magic clock and retrieve it. Open the necromancer book to find if Lars can learn any new spell (if youve registered in that guild). Use the Dreamers Tear on the shrine stone and a rainbow bridge will form. Talk to the ghosts there, they will trigger a quest (side quest no.36). Now head towards the middle passage. The graves beside the church dont yield anything except one, which opens a passage. Rhens siren call is effective. A bit further down you will find a cave. The rule is-if you touch the ball or vice versa then you are transported to the entrance of this room. You will find a small castle immediately to your north. 2/18/2008. Enter your room (the second from the extreme right) and open the chest. Talk to the one on the left, she will trigger a quest (side quest no.42). Enter the blackbone cave. Go through the door in the middle. Take Vata's soul and go to Memory Caverns. Enter that cave to find serpent amulet from a chest. Or else you can give the statue to the militant squirrels in the highlands. She will ask you to bring back her ruby slippers. You may heal Rhen by making her sleep on the small rug in her room. From there enter the Lamp castle. Get back one screen and go to the area where the road first branched out. WALKTHROUGH Since the walkthrough is quite big, you can use the "Find" command to instantly jump to any word or phrase in the guide. Also some extra items and equipments will show in his shop. Make sure you use status inflicting spells like decompose, plague, weevil, etc which causes him to lose a huge amount of health at each of his turn which would make your battle easier. Lets complete the queens quest before we go for our main quest. Finding the missing Truffle in Caves. Exit and go to the tea cup town. Our Aveyond 2 Walkthrough contains everything you need in order to play this unforgettable adventure game. Three generations after Rhen and her party defeated the dark lord Ahriman, and she began ruling in Thais, we focus our attention on Ean, a young elf who lives near the Oldwoods (familiar to Aveyond I fans). Help plzs. Climb up the ladder and go up to the cave exit point 6 in map W. You will land up in map X at point no.6. Stand on the blinking cube in the center of the room. Climb the two sets long ladders once you are outside. She will ask you to entertain her. Get out of the house, open the gate, get down the stairs and go down. The game's main antagonist, he plots from his realm attempting to destroy Rhen and Aveyond to take control of the world. You will see a woman named Elini who would like to join you after you graduate. Exit the cavern, climb down the ladder, cross the bridge, climb up the ladder and enter the cavern. You enter the map from the blasted lands: Walk to your left, the up, cross the bridge and walk south till you reach a dead end and a chest. Before quitting the place you will see the mushroom creature beside the fairies. It is a mule express and it can take you to places where you have visited at least once. Ahriman's Prophecy; Aveyond 1: Rhen's Quest; Aveyond 2: Ean's Quest; Aveyond 3: Orbs of Magic. Open it to get a pick lock (you have already purchased one). 2.If you want to play the game in full-screen mode, press ALT+ENTER on your keyboard. Read the advertisement on the wall and talk to the tavern owner. Enter the mauve colored tent to upgrade your weapons. Take up the northern path now and walk along the dirt path until you are transported to the world map. He will join your party. Popular Latest Unanswered Top Questions Where can I find a bottle to capture a fairy with? Buy 90 of each item from the item shop if youve collected enough cash from the cash cow (dont buy 99 as you may get these items from chests, so the ones you bought will be wasted as there can be only 99 number of each items in your inventory). Size: 3.4MB. Each active party member gains one level for free. See what happens. Exit from there and re-enter Blackroot System. Now the monsters here are extremely tough, so I recommend avoiding them or using the beast repellent. We need to go to the highlands. Explore the area and talk to everyone. Get outside the house and talk to Lor, the guy standing there. Type: PDF. I would personally recommend you to take the sun block cream as it would help a member get recruited in your party, whereas you can only sell off a bag of silver coins. You will see a statue of an elf. Now we will advance for our next quest. Dont worry about the demon inside-Agas, he wont harm you unless you talk to him. You can come back here whenever you are running short of gold pennies. Now go to the tavern in Wild wood, there are many things to do. There are many others in the unexplored regions which I will mention later as the game progresses: 1) Go to the wilderness of eastern isle and dig up a book page. Its the ogre lair. Obviously, you also get to handle . Now this cave and mountain system is quite complicated. From there head south till you come across a signpost. Cross it and head to the eastern direction, through the path between forested trees till you reach another ladder. In the next area walk along the path and enter a cave to your right. Its time to get some skills for him as well. Go north first and get the chain mail from the chest. He will give you a golden goose. Get the black hide whip and come back to the bridge. Come back to the bridge which I forbade you from crossing and go north. Buy the antidote for 30 gold pennies and return to the boar. The enemies are very strong here. LP Aveyond Rhen's Quest. It contains a chest with 250 gold pennies. Now enter the point 8 passage. So lets get the ticket first. Return to Velgerd. Explore Thais thoroughly; talk to Hector and try to take his torch, he agrees to give it on one condition (see side quest no.46). Take it and go to the thieves hideout. She will give you a bridle to use on a dragon. Follow the purple colored path to find the way to Thais. Go to Aveyond and select your reward- the Climbing Guide or Cooking Guide. A few notable features: Recruit minions Return to veldarah and talk to Levus again, who is with his true love in the garden. The journal is very helpful as it reminds you of what needs to be done next. temple in ghedahre On to the next area: Cross the bridge to your left and climb up the ladder then after. Talk to Teijal, she asks for the sun block cream and joins your party. Walk along the path, you will see a chest on your way. Collect the 760 gold pennies from the chest and return by three screens. The chest beside the harpy has 1 haunch. Exit and now go to gentle childrens school. Walk up to the nearest bifurcation where you can see a grave and take that path. Follow the yellow arrow direction first. Enter the snow forest you see before you. But when the moon arises, so does the beast, what am I? Upgrade your partys armors. Get back one screen and trace back your way to the bifurcation. Ask the boatman to take you back to the eastern isle. Walk south and exit the cave, you will land up near a chest, open it to find 2000 gold pennies. Make Lars learn the decompose spell. Talk to him about the news, you will be given a quest (side quest no.38). Dig the grave in his backward to find an iron shield. a:1:i:0;a:2:s:13:section_title;s:12:Aveyond Tips;s:12:section_body;s:111293:. Walk to your right instead of entering any of these three passages. You will also find the other items from the chests scattered over there: 653 gold pennies and 1 beast repellant. Now we need to go to the Ghedahre. 3. You can now make Teijal/Galalad wear it as an accessory, it will increase her attack and defense by 50%. You are on the world map again. 2) The wildwood forest grave yields an auquifolium on digging. Get back to the church room. The enemies are very strong here. Further north the ladder goes down leading to a blue chest. As soon as you are on the world map, walk down by around 13-14 paces and take a right turn. Before leaving to the following area, see the locations of the chests and collect the items from them; you will get- enchanted helmet, bone shield, crusher (best bow for Teijal), gargoyle whip (best whip for Elini), cloak of death and mithra shield (best shield). You have a choice-you can either take the sleep flute or emeralds. Climb it and you will find another set of stairs and a cave beside it. Lets go back to see what is it. Overview; Media; Forum; Aveyond: Rhen's Quest. The woman will give you a side quest (side quest no.26). Enter the holes which will take you to outside Blackbone Cave. Once Lorad is defeated go and talk to Harald. Rummage the bookshelf to find bean seeds. Walk to the signpost of the eastern isle and go south from there. And also it would be better if you use the god goodie near the game ending because leveling up at higher levels are time consuming and tiresome. You will be presented an in-game message. Exit and walk all the way to the next tower. Get back by three screens. Instead of climbing it, follow the path to your right. Use the sleeping dust on the ogre and rescue the priestess. You will find a man in a boat. Take the southern passage of the cave. The skill list and their functions are as follows: The areas in the wilderness are quite easy and I would recommend to explore it in all possible directions. Go to your inventory (items) and select the student outfit to wear it. Follow the white path in the eastern isle map to find the exit to the world map. Starting at the gate, walk up north, Walk to your right near the inn, cross the fences and keep walking to your right till you reach a blue roofed house (old mans house); go north from there and then to your left is the shadow wood academy. You cannot make her wear it unless she captures someones soul. Another good walkthrough. The game starts with a cutscene. Go past the mule express to enter Thornkeep. She will be relieved. Talk to Harald again for some important information. Upon my carpet you run and play and slumber away-Green. And voila you will see no monsters in the stronghold temple! Enter his house and talk about the locked gate. Go to Herbertsons market and upgrade party armors and weapons. Follow the dotted line onto the next region. Heal and save before you enter the undergrounds. Similarly the exit route in the next room is very simple, so go onto the next room. In order to get the good deed done you need bee wax and mirror. Now your next destination is Shadow Wood academy in Veldarah (side quest no.8). When you download this goodie, you can choose to use anime or non-anime faces. The old woman near the boat dealer would teach you find skudder spell for a price. Enter the Item shop and buy both the wedding rings you see on the table. There are many caves here, one leading to the other. Return to the nurse. If you select the climbing guide, go to your inventory and select it to learn the climbing skill. Grazila Bring sludgemaster 2000 (side quest no. This way you can explore all the probable possibilities in the game as rpg games offer a lot of diversions and endings. Press the first switch and continue till you see another moving ball. Walk back to the entrance of the memory caverns and take the northern path, which will lead to another exit. The buildings all appear to be in a state of neglect, and two benevolent ghosts wander the area. That will allow you to heal your party for free in his tavern. The other walls will not yield any hi-fi item so I would recommend giving the statue to the elves. Date: December 2019. See what happens. It leads to a small room with a chest. It will lead you to a chest containing 1 chain mail. If you chose guild goody then the entire range of spell books of all guild (time scroll, elite mage book, annihilator spell book) and then use it on Lars and so on. If you have troubleshooting issues, you can ping the community immediately. Press enter or action button to obtain it: After you get the rune goodie you will be able to buy traveling runes from shops. Explore the mine and open the blue chest to find an iron sword?. Put the stronghold key in the door before you and enter Ahrimans Lair. Select the love potion from your inventory and see what happens! The area has a quail egg and a total of 4 chests containing 150 gold pennies, 1 covey balm, 350 gold pennies and one apple. But before that we will explore the other doorways to hunt for treasures. Refer the map, first we will climb up the ladder near the central oasis to dig the dirt pile (referred as D in the map). From there, go through southwest route where you will find another cave entrance. Follow the arrow direction. the location of this goodie is same as the guild goodie. Maps-If you need help finding things, you can use these maps, which were created by tiniponi. You will reach a woodmans cottage. Time to go to Thais now. Follow the path in front of you and keep walking till you reach a chest. Now we will resume from where we left off. He could have been born a hero. You will be standing in front of a cave. The merchant will ask for the merchant card; show the merchant card to the trader, he will let you pass. Enter the ladder beside it to find another chest containing skull rapier. Get down the ladder, cross the bridge, then down another ladder, follow the dirt path and then down the next set of stairs; you will see a cave beside an apple cart. Keep moving till you reach a small lair marked as Rach Narch Bargh. Before we forget the blue chests that we came across before, lets grab them. Enter the house to find a chest containing 390 gold pennies. To get the bee wax, exit tea cup town and follow the narrow path to the south behind the mule express.